Wolf in the Fold

Wolf in the Fold

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Alright, I know this show has a penchant for scantily clad women, but literally opening an episode with a bikini clad woman belly dancing is a bit on the nose”

“And of course Scotty is incapable of hiding his absolute hard-on at the idea of what Bones calls a “completely hedonistic society” 😂”

“”Do you like her Scotty?”
“Aye sir”
“Good, I’ve invited her to join us”
“Now that’s what I call a good captain, always thinking of his men”

This is the star trek porn parody isn’t it”

“”The fabulous Fogs of Aberdeen”

Scotty what the fuck are you on about”

“So this whole situation is to make Scotty stop hating women after one got him injured? Jesus Christ this is a bizarre episode”

“And now he’s killed her, fuck me the plots moving at warp fucking ten today”


“”If they want to arrest him, try him, even kill him, I have to go along with it”

Yeah this doesn’t feel like the cleverest Starfleet policy”

“This investigator bloke is a snivelling twat, why is he against them using the psycho-tricorder”

“Also, is the Psycho-Tricorder something that they invented for this episode and then never turned up again? Because it certainly has those vibes”

“”Its strategic importance as a spaceport”
“Yes, I believe it’s the only one in this quadrant”

Well that sure is convenient isn’t it”

“I mean, like, Scotty is looking pretty fucking guilty here”

“”Need I remind you of the circumstances Captain?”

Shut the fuck up Piglet”

“”The empathic link is not accurate enough to risk a man’s life”

Okay Spock, so beam down and mind meld with him you dick”

“Oh for the love of God Scotty, just stay the fuck away from women at this point, Jesus”

“”I didn’t black out when Mr Jarvis’ wife was killed”

And you didn’t mention this until now???”

“”Scotty, Lie to me. How old are you?”
“22 sir”

He said Lie Scotty, not flatter yourself”

“This Morla bloke is way too suspicious to actually be the killer”

“Wait hang on. Is this episode trying to tell me Scotty is being controlled by the ghost of Jack the Ripper???”

“”Humans and humanoids make up only a minute percentage of life forms we know of”

Your costume department didn’t get that memo”

“”In strict scientific sense doctor, we all feed on death. Even vegetarians”

Okay which writer decided to convey their distaste for veggies through Spock”

“Piglets way too keen to just prosecute Scotty and not investigate”

“”Women are more easily and more deeply terrified”

Okay Spock, calm the sexism”

“They’re trying to draw a link to all of these historic cases here of mass murders Of women being knifed to death, and including Jack The Ripper, but like, are we going to ignore the bit where the Ripper removed organs and goaded the police?”

“Of course it was the bloody investigator bloke”

“”I’ve got some stuff that would tranquilize an active volcano”

You… What… Forget it”

“Even when it’s not an evil computer, Kirk’s first thought is still to talk a fucking computer do death”

“”For the next 5 or 6 hours we’re going to have the happiest crew in the galaxy”

That’s a bit of an understatement Kirk”

“Well that was Wolf in the Fold!!! I’m a sucker for a good murder mystery and this one was pretty solid, even if it did go off the rails a bit at the end. The final confrontation felt rather rushed but overall a very interesting episode”

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