
The Enterprise discovers a ship that crashed on a Dyson sphere more than seventy-five years prior with a single survivor suspended in the transporter buffer: Captain Montgomery Scott.

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Man of the People

When the Enterprise comes to the rescue of an ambassador and his “mother”, Deanna finds herself attracted to him, and seeks to comfort him upon her death.

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Realm of Fear

Barclay must overcome his fear of the transporter to solve a mystery.

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Time’s Arrow, Part II

Captain Picard and crew follow Data back to the late 1800s to get him back, only to find the suspected alien visitors killing people of that time

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Time’s Arrow, Part I

Captain Picard and his archaeological curiosity are called upon by scientists from Earth when they find evidence to support beliefs that aliens had visited Earth in the late 1800s.

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The Inner Light

Picard awakes to find himself living in a small village where he is a well-known member of the community who is suffering from a delusion of being a starship captain.

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The Motion Picture

When a destructive space entity is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral Kirk resumes command of the Starship Enterprise in order to intercept, examine, and hopefully stop it.

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The Savage Curtain

Kirk, Spock, Abraham Lincoln and Vulcan legend Surak are pitted in battle against notorious villains from history for the purpose of helping a conscious rock creature’s understanding of a concept he does not understand, “good vs. evil”

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The Cloud Minders

Kirk and Spock are caught up in a revolution on a planet where intellectuals and artists live on a utopian city in the sky while the rest of the population toils in mines on the barren surface below.

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The Way to Eden

A group of idealistic hippies, led by an irrational leader, come aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.

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Man of the People

Realm of Fear

Time’s Arrow, Part II

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