Where No Man Has Gone Before

Where No Man Has Gone Before

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”We’re receiving a distress signal from a long missing earth ship”

So far, so “The Cage””

“Ah, there’s the more stoic and emotionless Spock, the last episode did throw me off somewhat with him showing more emotion”


“The names Smith sir”

Kirk continuing Pike’s legacy of completely disregarding his female staff I see”

“Whoever wrote the music for this show did a stellar job, you really get the feeling of them being away from all civilisation and entirely on their own”

“This ESPER stuff is interesting, I always got the impression that the humans in Star Trek were just like us but with space travel. It makes sense that there’s a scientific explanation for things that seem impossible now, but I can’t say I expected it”

“I know we’re supposed to feel sorry for this guy who’s been affected by that energy pulse but my god he’s insufferable”

“This is a lot slower paced than The Cage. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but I did feel more invested in that episode than this one”

“I liked Pike but Kirk is a more believable captain I feel, his difficulty balancing his friendship with Mitchell and his duty to protect his crew is very well done”

“There’s an “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” vibe to Mitchell here that I feel might have been more impactful if we knew the character going into this, but it’s well written nonetheless”

“I already love Scotty after the few seconds he’s gotten in this episode, I can see why he became a fan favourite”

“Oh good, Mitchell’s infectious now, this is going well isn’t it”

“That is so clearly the same valley they used for Talos IV it’s not even funny”

“This really goes to show, if you receive a distress signal from a ship that entered a region and then was destroyed soon after, maybe following in their footsteps is somewhat unwise”

“NBC: “The Cage was too intellectual for our audiences”
Also NBC: “A pilot about the folly of power without wisdom? Perfect!”

“”Morals are for men, not gods”
Yep, this is the numb minded action NBC felt was missing from The Cage”

“That was a very conveniently shaped rock to fit exactly into the grave Gary dug”

“Is Spock way more tanned in this than in The Cage, or is it just me?”

“Well that was WNMHGB! I can definitely see myself getting invested in the franchise, that was good fun, but I can’t deny I do think The Cage is the stronger of the two pilots. Overall tho, definitely a great introduction to the format and some of the cast”

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