Whom Gods Destroy

Whom Gods Destroy

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”A planet with a poisonous atmosphere where the federation maintains an asylum”

Well that just feels like poor planning”

“Oh good it’s a “the inmates are running the asylum” story, these are always respectful of neurodivergence 🙄”

“”I lead the future masters of the universe”

You’re He-Man?”

“”We have not given him permission to speak”

Oh god not this shit again”

“Good to see the exact same Andorian costume getting yet another outing for what I can only assume is budget reasons”

“Someone mentioned this episode having a security protocol that should have been in use this whole time, which I assume is the chess thing, and yeah that’s a really fucking obvious move when you think about it”

“The Orion Girl claiming to be a poet and then just blurting Shakespeare and claiming that him writing it centuries ago “does not change the fact that I wrote it again yesterday!” Is fucking hilarious fair play”

“”I find it reminiscent of the dances that the children would do in Vulcan Nursery School”

Okay A. Fuck me Spock that was savage but B. I refuse to believe Vulcan Nursery School allows a pasttime as illogical as dancing”

“Y’know, for someone desperate to get aboard the Enterprise and willing to “break every bone in Captain Kirks body”, Garth is spending a lot of time lounging around watching people dance and offering Kirk a sex slave”

“Was this episode filmed whilst half the regular crew were busy? We’ve had like, one small shot of Scotty and Sulu and other than that it’s literally just Spock and Kirk, even Bones hasn’t shown up yet”

“I feel like this “Queen to Queens level 3” should have a “immediately cut all contact and assume the captain lost” response so that Kirk could give it in exactly this situation and remove all risk of Garth getting the Enterprise”

“Oh shit there’s Bones, Kelley must have been on his lunch break from whatever other shit he was working on”

“Why is Marta suddenly in love with Kirk, he’s been here like 5 minutes”

“”A convincing lie told to a guard who finds me… Desirable”

Yeah but aren’t there only like, 7 of you inmates in this place? That news would get back to Garth pretty quickly”

“Oh ffs that’s not Spock is it, it’s Garth”

“Wait how did he do the Nerve Grip then? Or was Marta faking it?”

“”Alexander, Caeser, Napoleon, Hitler”

Yeah you’re not selling yourself by comparing yourself to those guys, Garth”

“Is Kirk doing the “hit all the buttons while pretending he’s falling into random bits” trick from Doctor Who’s Family of Blood cause that’s a better tactic than anything he’s tried so far”

“”Here you see my greatest invention!”

A chair?”

“Fucking hell

Well, there goes Marta”

“Spock just absent mindedly tapping the force field and nodding contentedly at its efficiency is a hilarious tiny detail and I have zero doubts that Nimoy came up with it on the spot”

“Oh good and now we’re doing the “no I’m the real Kirk” shit and I’m reminded yet again of an episode of Red Dwarf. This time it’s Psiren, and my enjoyment of that show drops every time I realise they copied something from this”

“It’s kinda ironic that Shatner’s body double in the Kirk v Kirk fight looks rather similar to Chris Pine 😂”

“”I was waiting for a Victor in the struggle, which I assumed would be Garth”

Spock that was a bit mean, apologise to your husband”

“Well that was Whom God’s Destroy! Some less than comfortable stereotypes of neurodivergence in this one but the sheer level of world building is above almost all of the rest of TOS, so I have to give it credit for that, and it was enjoyable overall”

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