Who Mourns for Adonais?

Who Mourns for Adonais?

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh god, is Scotty flirting?”

“”One day she’ll meet the right man and go off out of the service”

Oh boy, it’s gonna be one of those episodes isn’t it”

“A particularly funny instance of the Star Trek Shake, with Spock flinging across the bridge a good 2 or 3 seconds after everyone else 😂”

“Still not a fan of the updated theme music for S2, it’s too complicated. The simpler S1 version was far superior”

“Is this another episode of a godlike creature failing to understand the human nature to demand free will?”

“Oh good, more racism against Spock”

“So just to clear things up: The utterly baffling Candles per Square Inch is still considered an acceptable measure of brightness, but PSI has been abandoned in favour of Grams per Square Centimetre?”

“”I am Apollo!”
“And I am the Tsar of all the Russias”

God, I love Chekov”

“Oh he’s giant now. That’s going to cause issues isn’t it”

“”To coin a phrase, fascinating”

Shut the fuck up Bones”

“I realise this came significantly earlier but I can’t not see this as stepping on Stargates toes, gods that are really advanced alien species is their thing damn it”

“”We are quite capable of some wrath ourselves”

Yeah but he did just turn himself into a giant, you’re probably outmatched here Scotty”

“Scotty mate stop thinking with your pants, you’re not gonna beat this guy”

“”She’s doing her job, I think it’s about time you started doing yours”

Kirk is sick of Scotty’s shit 😂”

“Scotty for the love of god stop it, you’re gonna get yourself killed”

“This is 2 episodes in a row now that Kirk’s been choked basically to death, did the writers have something against him or something? 😂”

“”Mankind has no need for gods, we find the one quite adequate”

Kirk’s a Christian? That is not what I expected ngl”

“Oh ffs Lieutenant you had to fuck it up for them didn’t you?”

“”Perhaps if I assisted?”
“How old are you?”
“22 sir”
“Then I better handle it”

Don’t be mean to Chekov Kirk, wtf”

“”I love him”

You met him like 5 minutes ago Lieutenant”

“Oh boy, now you’ve done it Carolyn, he’s pissed now”

“I’m watching this with the original VFX rather than the remastered SFX and I’ve got to say, as much as they’re clearly dated, they fit the tone of the show far better imo”

“”Would it have hurt us, I wonder, just to gather a few Laurel Leaves?”

Kirk mate, quit waxing poetical, the guy was gonna destroy the Enterprise and trap you there”

“Well that was Who Mourns for Adonais? Yet another solid story, if a little weaker than Amok Time, but I must say I don’t like this shows habit of introducing new female characters just to have them fall for the villains”

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