

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Imagine my shock that the episode called “Water” is focusing on the gang running out of water”

“So they don’t have the power to dial back to Earth, I get that, but we saw the direction the Destiny went when it started its journey and it went past Pegasus, surely it’d take less power to dial to there? Maybe they still wouldn’t have enough but it’s worth acknowledging surely?”

“Oh good, Scott and Chloe are fucking again

Did they just like, forget to give these two chemistry? Or any kind of development to their relationship? I’m still not buying that these two even know each other more than acquaintances”

“Oh wow, those hazard suits are… Not good, they look like kids toys fucking hell”

“”Don’t worry, you’ll run out of air long before we leave you behind”

Eli don’t he salty cause he’s banging Chloe”

“”The last planet I was on exploded”

Wow, cheery”

“”Colonel, we’re sending through Eli’s latest invention”

“Invention” is doing some heavy lifting there, it’s a bin lid resting on top of a couple of drones”


Hey Robert Carlyle, I know you’re Scottish and I love your accent, but please enunciate, that was a mess”

“I know Eli doesn’t know anything about aliens but ridiculing Johansen for seeing clouds of living sand whilst he’s on a ship built be a precursor race multiple galaxies away from earth that he traveled to through a magic portal is a bit silly”

“”Hey look, a cloud of sand particles where there shouldn’t really be any, what should I do? Radio in and report it? No, I’ll fucking shoot it! That’ll help, I can definitely kill this thing that might not even be hostile with fucking bullets!””

“”Just stop acting like a child, please!”

I mean, he kinda is a child tho, how old is he even meant to be, like, early 20’s? And they said he never had a job”


“Oh yes, send the man with a penchant for violence to find the aliens who just shredded a man’s face in self defence, that’ll go really fucking well”

“No seriously tho, where did he get a flamethrower from, and why is he insisting on carrying it lit when Johansen explicitly told him not to use it”

“”You have to get them off the ship”

She’s a medic Rush, you’re the scientist you fucking figure it out”

“”Don’t antagonise them”

He says to the man who, were it not for the events of this show, was about to be fucking court martialed for being violent”

“”Everyone is lying”
“Yeah, grown-ups do that sometimes”

I mean yeah, he’s right tho, welcome to the real world Eli, get over it, you lied like 2 episodes ago when you insisted you weren’t using the Kino to perv on people”

“It’s bad that I don’t feel anything about Scott being in danger, isn’t it?”

“Lt James, why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to tell Chloe about Scott being in danger?”

“”Closing off the ventilation in that room”

I guess Rush just figured out the rest of the Destiny’s systems between episodes huh?

“Yay, he saved Scott. I’m definitely feeling an emotion about this.”

“It doesn’t really matter cause it’s a good effect anyway but they really just haven’t changed the wormhole animation since fucking season 1 of SG-1 have they?”

“Gorman succumbed to his injuries, that’s 4 people dead/stranded on another planet now, about 5% of the original expedition. Might start keeping track of this, I wanna see if they fuck up the numbers at any point”

“Well that was Water. Now that the shows settled into its format a little it’s incredibly inoffensive at worst, but that’s all this episode really manages to be tbh. Nothing really engaging happens and the plot kinda just plods along”

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