What Are Little Girls Made Of?

What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I struggle to binge TV sometimes, especially when I’m stressed, but there’s something so inherently comfortable about the opening theme music for TOS”

“A few minutes in and I’ve not actually said anything about this episode yet, but the plot seems very generic so far so there’s not much to say”

“Well, Brown’s a creepy fella isn’t he”

“This feels like another example of “The gang ignore the very obvious indications that something is amiss in order for the plot to happen””

“It wouldn’t be Star Trek without the creepy humans having a scantily clad woman amongst them, would it?”

“That tall alien thing is giving me way more Lady Dimitrescu vibes than I was expecting from this show 😂”

“I’m sorry, did he build a sexbot?”

“Ngl, as much as I’m sure there’s going to be some way out of this, this show is so bonkers at times that Kirk just being an android for the rest of the show wouldn’t even surprise me that much”

“Is Christine here the first time a character has had an alternate Starfleet badge with the medical insignia on it, or am I just incredibly unobservant?”

“The whole conversation about how humans would react to androids living among them hits different, knowing that it’s going to happen somewhere down the line in this franchise anyway”

“Is “I’m sick of your half breed interference” some sort of code for “I’m in trouble” between Spock and Kirk?”

“Okay I know she’s an android, but Kirk forcing himself on Andrea is a bit much”

“Well that was a rather anticlimactic end to Ruk”

“”I AM ROGER KORBY” has very “I AM CAPTAIN KIRK” vibes”

“Well, that was What Are Little Girls Made Of? Not a lot to say about that one tbh, it was a solid episode of Sci-Fi TV and I enjoyed it all bar the weird “forcing himself on Andrea” scene, but I can’t say it’s a favourite as episodes go”

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