Tomorrow is Yesterday

Tomorrow is Yesterday

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Did I put a WW2 documentary on by mistake, what’s happening here”

“I’ve said it a few times already, but I really do love the theme music for TOS, it’s so uplifting”

“Oh god, this is going to be another episode that feels predictable because I’ve already seen the Red Dwarf episode homaging it, isn’t it?”

“”We’re in the late 1960’s” boy it sure is convenient you were flung back to the exact time period they were filming this in, isn’t it?”

“The crew of the Enterprise, like 3 times already this season: “Humans aren’t inherently violent please stop assuming we are”

Humans in the 1960’s: “Oh look, a ship we don’t recognise. Shoot it down””

“This USAF pilot seems remarkably accepting of the suggestion that the Enterprise is from Earth’s future”

“”Your logic can be most… annoying”
I stand by my assertion that TOS is just a dry comedy that got misinterpreted as a serious Sci-Fi show”

“The computer system flirting with Kirk does nothing to disprove my point”

“Okay, I get the whole “we can’t return the pilot to Earth because he knows about the future and it’d change the past” but surely “a giant ass UFO appeared, shot down our interceptor, and then disappeared” would still end up in the history books”

“”You’re beginning to sound like Spock”
“Well if you’re going to get nasty I’m going to leave”

Like I said, a comedy”

“Captain Christopher went from “I’m escaping the ship fuck you all” to “I’ll help you destroy the evidence of you ever being here” in half a femtosecond, damn”

“”Oh no, we’ve beamed down into this airbase but the door to the records room is locked” Why the hell didn’t you just beam directly into the records room, does Starfleet have a rule against crewmembers having any kind of common sense?”

“I feel like a lot of this could have been avoided if Kirk and Sulu had any semblance of knowledge on how to be stealthy”

“”We must preserve the timeline. That’s why I’m going to beat the shit out of some Air Force officers, because that will definitely not be recorded in their logs at all””

“Bones is in a really shit mood today lmao, stop going off at Spock already”

“”Is that a uniform of some kind?”
“This little thing? Just something I slipped on”

C o m e d y

“”Alright Colonel, the truth is I’m a little green man from Alpha Centauri, a beautiful place, you ought to see it”

It’s not even subtle anymore, this is just a space sitcom”

“”We’ll be travelling back in time, we’ll drop you off just before any of this happened. You won’t have anything to remember because this will never have happened”

that… I don’t think that’s how time travel works people”

“Ahhh, the good old Star Trek Shake, good to see you pal”

“Well, that was Tomorrow is Yesterday! I’m always going to be a bid fan of time travel shenanigans and this episode really embraced the cheesy, almost sitcom level humour to brilliant effect. Definitely a favourite so far”

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