Time’s Arrow, Part II

Time’s Arrow, Part II

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Mark Twain’s accent in this is incredibly grating”

“That cold open was a whole lot of nothing”

“”It doesn’t make sense that so many people are dying of Cholera, it just isn’t that Virulent!”

Crusher, did you study medical history like, at all?”

“Also where did Riker get a police uniform from”

“”If you were a time traveller with a taste for Human Neural Energy, where would you go?”
“I would travel back to a time when there were plagues and epidemics, so I could murder and use the disease as a cover”

You had that just ready to roll off the top of your head, huh Crusher?”

“Picard charming Mrs Carmichael with the “we’re about to do Midsummer Night’s Dream, we’ll have your rent soon don’t worry” is cute and all but is he just planning on disappearing and leaving her out of pocket?”

“Twain is a real prick, huh?”

“Hang on, Geordi made a point of removing his visor when the landlady came round, but he’s fine to just wander round a hospital with it on?”

“Crusher with curly hair and spectacles is a fucking look, I love it”

“Wow, Data really turned up right in the nick of time lmao

“Hang on, now I think about it, they all just time travelled back to this era with no plan for how to get home? That doesn’t seem very smart”

“Everyone pulling the scripts out and starting performing, and dragging Mrs Carmichael into it, is fucking hilarious 😂”

“Oh god, Mark Twain has a fucking gun Ohhhh wait, that’s the gun they found in the cavern isn’t it. And the spectacles are Crushers I guess?”

“Oh shit Data just blew up, uhhh that’s… That’s not good”

“”Well it seems to be I have as much right to be in your time as you had to be in mine!”

No, no that’s a fair point actually”

“”hey, a 19th century author accidentally ended up in the 24th century, what shall we do?”


“Why is Troi so desperate to escort Clemens, what’s her plan”

“”You were there in that cavern, you know what happened, what am I supposed to do?!”

Come on Riker you must have read some sci fi in your time, you know that’s not how this works”

“Clemens hearing about the Enterprise’s mission to discover new worlds and immediately assuming it’s colonialism is actually kinda depressing”

“I’m getting a bit bored of “haha the humans don’t know enough our technology, they’re weapons will actually backfire and hurt them!” stories ngl”

“Why is Riker letting Worf talk him out of his plan with “it’s not what Jean Luc would do” Jean Luc isn’t fucking here, Riker you’re in charge right now, grow a backbone ffs”

“I love Data’s outfit in this btw, the suit is a great look on him”

“Picard’s outfit too actually, very “weary old explorer with more adventures left in him””

“”I’m going back to the 19th Century to get the Captain”

Yeah but… How?”

“”Only one of us could return?”
“Then I have the perfect solution for you!”

Yes, Clemens you do, but who the fuck let you onto the bridge?”

“”If Clemens got back, the Captain should have been here by now”
“We have no way of knowing if Mr Clemens was successful”

The fact that history hasn’t been irrevocably altered by his early removal from the timeline is a pretty big hint lads”

“”I wish time would have allowed me to know you better”
“Well, you’ll just have to read my books!”

Okay I’m coming around, Clemens ain’t too bad”

“”I am detecting a temporal distortion on the surface. And human life signs”
Signs? Plural?? Uhh…”

“”O’Brien, get him out of there”

“Have you got him?”
“He has indeed, Commander”


“Clemens realising he has to leave the watch down there to close the loop is a cute little moment to end on, I like that”

“Well that was Time’s Arrow, Part II! An interesting premise, but this really felt like the victim of the producers backing themselves into a corner with the “Finale/Opener two parter” concept. The plot felt messy, like it could have done with simplifying into a single episode honestly. Still, a fun enough time, even if part 2 does drag on a little”

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