Time’s Arrow, Part I

Time’s Arrow, Part I

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“The Enterprise has been recalled to sector 001”

After 5 seasons of barely going near earth, we’re going back twice in like 5 episodes? I’m not complaining, just observing 😂”

“”indicating the presence of aliens on earth, 5 centuries ago”

Ohhhhh this sounds interesting”

“Why does Data have an encyclopedic knowledge of fucking Colt Pistols? I get he’s basically a big computer but surely he curates his databanks to some extent, and that hardly seems useful information”

“”We found one other thing I haven’t shown you yet”

That’s Data’s head, you didn’t think to maybe FUCKING LEAD WITH THAT ONE?!”

“”I wish I could be as dispassionate about the implications as my second officer”

Yeah it does kinda imply that he’s gonna die doesn’t it”

“”My brothers positronic brain has a Type L phase discriminating amplifier. Mine has a Type-R”

Why are you acting shocked by this Picard you have no fucking clue what that means”

“”So… Do you wanna talk about it?”

Geordi, you know he doesn’t give a shit”

“Data talking about how he always assumed he’d outlive his friends, make new ones, and outlive those in an endless loop is really touching, but also depressing with the foreknowledge of what happens to him in the movies lmao”

“Guinan looks like she knows something, is this the one where they time travel and meet younger her?”

(It is)

“”IM NOT ANGRY… yeah I’m angry” 😂😂😂”

“”It’s like finding out someone you love has a terminal illness”

I… Do not know if I like that analogy. For a start, they’ve got no indication that he’ll die *soon*, just that he will *eventually*, it could be thousands of years from now for all they know”

“”Worf, Geordi, Troi, join me in transporter room 3 for an away team”

Oh yeah here we g- wait, Troi?! Since when did she go on away teams? Especially ones to lifeless planets where her skills as an empath are useless?”

“”My god Will… They’re Human”

Why does that alone increase your concern for them Troi, *You’re* not even Human”

“So the distortion is 0.004 seconds out of sync, that’s incredibly convenient given that’s exactly how far Data had to go out of sync before he fully disappeared”

“”Hahahaha. Frenchmen!”

What the fuck about Data made you think he was French mate”

“”This is not sleepwear, and I do not have a missus”
“I am a Frenchman!”

Fuck I love Data”


Data’s face when he realised he can just win money 😅”

“”I’ll give you three dollars for it (Data’s combadge)” “I accept” Yeah, Prime Directive be damned right”


Laser Briefcase?

Fuck it, sure”

“”If we find Commander Data, it may be our fate to die with him in the past. If our remains are in that cavern, they would have turned to dust long ago” Always the life of the Party, Worf 🙄😂”

“Guinan is really not being subtle about the fact that she clearly knows something about this mission”

“”Do you remember the first time we met?”
“Of course”
“Don’t be so sure”

Quit being so cryptic Guinan, just tell him he’s gonna time travel and meet younger you”

“”If you don’t go on this mission, we’ll never meet”

TNG without Guinan wouldn’t be worth it, you better go on that bloody mission Picard”

“Data picking up the anvil, remembering that he’s meant to be posing as a human, stopping dead for a full second and then dropping it and monotonously going “ow” is fucking hilarious”

“What are the odds of Data being thrown back in time, and of all the places he could end up, he’s in the one place where Guinan is in the fucking newspaper somehow?”

“”My dear Mr Clemens”

First of all, Young Guinan alert

Second of all, Mr Clemens? Mark Twain?! Okay, I’m intrigued…”

“Guinan and Mark Twain musing over the importance or lack thereof of humanity amongst the vastness of the universe is not what I had on my bingo card for this episode, but I’m not opposed to it 😅”

“Young Guinan is hilarious I love her”

“Mark Twain hearing Data and Guinan discussing alien matters and just immediately buying into it and not thinking they’ve gone fucking insane feels about right for that man honestly”

“”Mr Worf, you will report back to the Bridge”

Uncritical support for acting Captain Worf”

“Again, why are Troi and Crusher coming on this mission, they don’t do away missions”

“Wait, so these things are… Travelling along humanities timeline, stealing human… Souls I guess? And bringing them back to this cave for the energy beings to feast on? This is… I mean it’s a concept, that’s for sure”

“Oh shit that’s just the end, okay. Didn’t feel like as natural a splitting point for the two parter as some of the others have, but uhh, yeah, that’s Times Arrow Part 1 I guess 😂 interesting concept, but not doing enough to fully hook me yet, will have to see what part 2 brings”

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