

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“The description for this episode is “The crew recovers one of their kinos from a newly discovered jungle planet and finds it filled with data”, which like, I feel like that should be expected so if that’s all this episodes got we could be in for a dull ride”

“The opening exposition dump keeps showing the clip of Scott saying “we have no idea where we are in relation to Earth”, but like, they do don’t they? They found that star map? Obviously I know they didn’t when he said that, but why include that clip in the exposition dump if it’s no longer accurate?”

“The extended B plot of “Eli keeps using the Kino to spy on Chloe and Scott” was dull when it started, 8 episodes in it’s just getting ridiculous”

“”A number of crew members are stuck on a planet and only have so long before the Destiny leaves” is a plot you can only do so many times guys, come on”

“”let us know if anyone on board is exhibiting similar symptoms, at least that way we’ll know for sure if it has nothing to do with this planet” I mean, only if you assume whatever’s causing this can’t survive outside a body, else it could have just flown through the Stargate rn”

“Worst idea for a drinking game: take a shot every time Eli makes a barely relevant pop culture reference”

“”Well, this couldn’t get much worse”
“I’m afraid that’s a failure of imagination”

Okay I do love Rush tho

“Oh I see they’re doing found footage

Sure I guess, I mean this was a decade after Blair Witch but keep bleeding that well dry”

“Is this some sort of time loop thing, or are we doing alternate copies of characters again?”

“”Well that is clearly us, the recording happened somehow”

I mean, it’s clearly the same people as you, but it’s not *you* is it”

“We now interrupt your regularly scheduled sci-fi alien space travel shooty show to bring you: Eli having a mortality crisis”

“”Of course, the ancients evolved to a point where their physical bodies were no longer necessary, found a way for consciousness to become immortal”

Yeah and humans can also do it which kinda puts a damper on the whole mortality thing”

“”so you think if we learn enough, that somehow, somewhere out there we could discover how it’s done?”

Has Rush just never met Daniel Jackson or something”

“”Avoiding that issue is simple: we do not go back to that planet”

If it were that simple this wouldn’t be an episode”

“”I’ve got 4 more cases. So far everyone who went to the planet or came in contact with someone who did”

I mean, except for you. And Young. And Eli. And Rush. And Greer. And Scott. So nowhere near “everyone” really”

“”Is it broken? Or is there a chance it could resolve by itself?” Those two things are not mutually exclusive Eli”

“Telling fucking Eli of all people “if you see anything move out there, don’t ask just shoot” is so fucking stupid”

“”I don’t think we’re gonna make it”

Again, they’re not you, and also obviously they don’t make it, they weren’t there when you went through were they?”

“Rush and Young bonding over fucking Butch Cassidy is… something”

“The virus isn’t even from the jungle planet??? Okay sure I guess???”

“It’s not a cute callback if the line you’re repeating was literally like, a minute ago”

“Ohhh we’re doing the Solar Flare wormhole thing again, okay I don’t hate this

“But if they’ve changed the timeline, how did they find other Rush’s body? In the timeline they inhabit he never ended up there”

“Back to the Future reference, take a shot”

“”Dead or Alive?”
“Alive, preferably, I can’t exactly anticipate the physiology”

Yeah but you also presumably can’t extract it from a live specimen of that thing, you have no equipment, limited expertise, and it’s vicious as fuck”

“”We’re out of antibiotics” Okay then even if they get the creature, you’re fucked the next time literally any bacterial outbreak occurs right?”

“I’m *really* glad they found time in this episode for more of Eli professing his love for Chloe”

“”Eli, she’s gone”

Okay so this is gonna be another aborted timeline isnt it, they’re gonna use the solar flare to time travel again but this time giving Destiny Version 3 the info they need to fix this straight away”

“”We’ve already lost 4 people”

On the off chance I’m wrong and this is the timeline we continue on through, that’s 9 for the death counter now I think (there was one who we were never told if they actually died, it’s either 4 or 5 rn)”

“Yeah no those things just killed Young and Greer, they’re definitely aborting this timeline lmao”

“”If you found this it’s because a solar flare interfered with gate travel, and I’m sending this back in time”

Yeah but, the solar flare is still like 20 minutes away still, this shouldn’t work”

“Hang on that’s the end? I know now that Scott has exposited at Destiny V3 they know how to fix things and can do it quite quickly, but you don’t feel like showing any of that?”

“Well that was Time. I… this one had potential, even if I’m not a fan of found footage as a format, but it just, they don’t seem to quite be able to grasp that potential. Disappointingly mediocre this one”

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