This Side of Paradise

This Side of Paradise

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”Omicron 73″ is such a generic name for a Sci-Fi planet ngl, it could be from literally any franchise”

“”We know what killed these colonists and there’s absolutely no chance any of them survived, and beaming down puts us at risk. Fuck it lets go anyway!

What are you gaining with this mission Kirk?”

“Oh, they’re not dead? Doesn’t the Enterprise have life sign detection of some kind? How did they miss this?”

“”Pure speculation, just an educated guess but I’d say that man is alive”

Alright Bones, calm the sass”

“Spock speechless at the sight of someone from his past is a novel sight”

“”I wouldn’t know what looked right or wrong if it were 2 feet from me” said whilst a strange looking flower is in the foreground of the shot feels like very obtuse foreshadowing”

“This is feeling very cultlike, Jonestown vibes”

“”I’ve never understod the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question”

Okay, yikes”

“Yup, it’s the flowers, called it”

“Spock no don’t kiss her, she’s not Kirk”

“Spock becoming obsessed with cloudwatching and rainbows is fucking adorable”

“”I thought you said you might like him if he mellowed out a bit?”
“I did not say that!”

Fuck Spirk, Bork is my new ship”

“God damn, those plants got around the ship quickly”

“So Bones’ idea of perfection is developing a southern Belle accent?”

“How exactly is Kirk getting too and from the ship when there’s no crew left to beam him up?”

“The scene of Kirk recording a Captain’s Log morosely detailing how empty the ship feels and how useless he feels being unable to compete with Paradise is beautiful ngl”

“Gotta love any episode that lets Shatner chew the scenery to the point he’s screaming “I….CAN’T….LEAVE””

“”Alright you mutinous disloyal computerised half breed”

Damn Jim, I know you’re trying to piss him off, but jumping straight to the racism is a choice”

“”Who’s father was a computer and mother was an encyclopedia”

Kirk is fucking savage, Jesus”

“Spock seems genuinely distraught at not belonging anymore that’s devastating”

“No but seriously, Spock seems so sad in this episode and he was so happy when the spores were in him this is really sad”

“”We have no need for a doctor here”
“You wanna see how fast I can put you in a hospital?”

Damn Bones, you tell him”

“”Maybe we can’t step to the music of the lute, we must march to the sound of drums”

Shut the fuck up Kirk”

“”For the first time in my life, I was happy”

Spock I swear to god you’re going to make me cry, stop it”

“Well, that was This Side of Paradise! I really enjoyed that one tbh, maybe I’m just a sucker for seeing Nimoy goofing around but it was a really fun episode and genuinely emotionally impactful towards the end. A contender for best episode yet”

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