The Way to Eden

The Way to Eden

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“We’re 2 minutes into the episode and they’ve already blown up a ship, great start”


“Oh fuck, Chekov knows one of them doesn’t he?”

“Next time I’m at a Convention and they say it’s closing time I’m gonna put weird ass ears on and sit on the floor chanting NO GO NO GO NO GO and see how long it takes to get arrested because these space hippies are FUCKING BRATS”

“”Mr Spock you seem to understand these people, you deal with them”

Don’t be mean to your space husband Kirk”

“I am not a violent person but my god I would be getting very irate by this point these people are acting like children”

“Oh good they play instruments too. If this episode was set today they’d be playing fucking Wonderwall rn”

“Nurse Chapel looks so fucking done with this shit”

“Sorry but Sulu has been all but absent for like a season and you finally give him something to do and it’s “grin like a fool at the hippie girl trying to recruit him”? Justice for the lack of Sulu or I riot”

“This episode is trying to make me hate the space hippies but this doctor bloke with the disease is coming across pretty sympathetically, he just wants freedom from the burdens of a restrictive society”

“No offense to Chekov but why is he Spock’s first choice of assistant for locating Eden? He’s not exactly the epitome of wisdom and knowledge about the Enterprise”

“”Our computers contain the sum of all knowledge”

Then what the fuck is Memory Alpha for?”

“Oh ffs they’re gonna try to incite mutiny aren’t they”

“Mutiny by aggressively playing knock off Beach Boys music, how… Quaint?”

“Making it possible for Auxiliary Control to override the bridge entirely seems like a major security oversight, especially given AC is less well guarded”

“Spock and Adam vibing with eachother and Spock trying to use it to reach Adam and persuade him is adorable”

“Fuck me that was a quick 3 hours”

“Adam dying and Spock looking genuinely quite sad is genuinely a really sad scene in an otherwise comically bad episode”

“Oh fuck off it just clicked that Adam ate an Apple in Eden”

“”We reach, Mr Spock”

Spock looking at Kirk as if to say Shut your whore mouth Jim you don’t get what me and Adam had, I can’t deal with this episode anymore 😂”

“That was The Way to Eden! Not nearly as bad as I’d heard tbh, the whole “space hippies bad” thing is weird but the idea of having a madman corrupt what are essentially good people redeemed that imo and it’s fast paced enough to not get tiring”

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