The Ultimate Computer

The Ultimate Computer

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh god a War Games episode, this kind of thing never goes well”

“Oh great, it’s a computer program that makes the jobs of every single crewmember obsolete, that’s bound to go well”

“Although given this is a post-scarcity society, the idea that “damn computers taking our jobs” would be received negatively is a bizarre one”

“”The most unfortunate lack in computer technology is the lack of replacement for a starship surgeon”

Now now Spock, that’s one of your husband’s your speaking to”

“”I think that thing is wrong, and I don’t know why”

Nor do I Jim, none of your protestations have made sense so far”

“”Only a fool would stand in the way of progress”

Fucking exactly Kirk, so stop taking the piss and either prove its flawed or let it happen”

“Okay so I’m sure it’s going to turn out that Daystrom is corrupt or something but like, the fact that the computer can fly the ship and maintain the course of a standard orbit means it must be at least somewhat useful in the future, it would make Sulu’s job easier at least”

“We’re 15 minutes into this episode and I’m still not understanding any of the protestations to the M5, it’s working perfectly”

“”Computers make efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under one”

That’s a remarkably emotional response there Spock buddy”

“”Dunsel refers to a part that serves no useful purpose”

Bit harsh to call Kirk that, Jesus”

“Holy shit did the M5 just blow up a Federation Freighter? That’s more than a glitch Daystrom, your machine fucked up”

“Oh great, the damn things sentient”

“”Do me a favour Spock and don’t say it’s fascinating”
“No, but it is… Interesting”

Okay the fucking eye roll from Bones tho 😂”

“”You can’t understand. You’re frightened because you can’t understand”

No, they’re frightened because it blew up a freighter and then killed an Ensign mate”

“Oh great so he gave the thing the power of human thought, and didn’t think it might not want to hand the Enterprise back over to humans after the tests??”

“Oh great and now they’re going to destroy the Enterprise, fucking hell this is a right mess”

“Oh good Kirk’s trying to talk a computer to death again.

Hang on, this is the exact same plot as The Changeling”

“”It would be most interesting to impress your engrams onto a computer, Doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining”

These 2 are still just an old married couple”

“Well that was The Ultimate Computer! It does feel a little like ideas were running dry at this point in the shows run, this was very similar to The Changeling, but the stories themselves still hold up as solid middle of the pack episodes”

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