The Trouble with Tribbles

The Trouble with Tribbles

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”That is illogical, odours cannot travel through the vacuum of space”
“I was making a little joke sir”
“Yes, very little”

Okay Spock, don’t murder the man”

“I can see Chekov is doomed to just be relegated to the role of “guy who thinks everything is russian and has no other personality traits””

“”Mr Baris is something something in charge of agriculture”
“That gives him the authority”

Does it?”

“”Quadrotriticale? What’s Quadrotriticale?”

I’m pretty sure Quadrotriticale has been mentioned before Kirk, you definitely know what it is”

“”How dare you authorise a mere two men for something of this importance?”

Shut up mate”

“”I have never questioned the orders or the intelligence of any representative of the federation. Until now”

This episode is just watching everyone getting utterly murdered with wit”

“”Does everybody know about this wheat but me”
“Well not everyone sir, it’s a Russian invention!”

Chekov man, I love you, but you are testing my patience”

“Are we seriously going to get the plot “The Tribbles take over because Uhura thinks they’re cute”?”

“”I bought them for 6 credits, I reckon a 10% markup, that’s 10 credits a piece”

What a crook”

“The Klingons turn up to Deep Space K-7 for shore leave sounds like the most ridiculous excuse they could possibly come up with”

“”There’s been no formal declaration of hostilities between our two governments”

No, but you do keep trying to kill Kirk every time you come across him mate”

“Wow, Scotty got over the whole “being framed for murder and witnessing 3 murders” very quickly”

“Spock petting the Tribble is fucking adorable”

“The fact that the Tribbles have multiplied twice in the, what, 2 hours they’ve been on the ship? Should already be ringing alarm bells surely”

“”Scotch was invented by a little old woman from Leningrad”

Chekov please stop, I’m begging you”

“Oh god, this is the episode with that scene of Scotty attacking the Klingon for insulting the Enterprise, isnt it?”


“The opportunist salesman just knocking back drinks behind the bar while the brawl happens is iconic”

“The bartender taking the drink off him and him just pulling another one out of his pocket, help, I can’t cope”

“”Who Started the fight Chekov?”

Knowing him, the answer is probably going to be Stalin or something”

“”why did Chekov want to start a fight?”

He’s Russian, why do you think Kirk”

“Kirk seems so hurt that Scotty cares for the Enterprise more than for him”

“”You’re restricted to quarters until further notice”
“Thank you sir! That’ll give me the chance to catch up on my medical journals!”

See, this is why confinement to quarters means fuck all, it’s not a punishment”

“”I don’t know much about Tribbles but I know this; I like them! More than I like you”
“They do indeed have one redeeming characteristic. They don’t talk too much”

Spock and Bones continue to be a grumpy old gay couple and I love it”

“”They reproduce at will. And they do have a lot of will”

This episode is hilarious”

“”They do give us something sir, they give us Love!”

Shut the absolute fuck up Uhura”

“”You have taken this project far too lightly”
“On the contrary, I think of this matter as very important. It is you I take lightly”

More evidence that Star Trek is a comedy”

“They must have made hundreds of Tribble props for this episode, and now I really want to hunt one down”

“The look on Kirk’s face when the Tribbles rain down on him from the storage container is a man who is regretting all of the life choices that led him to this day”

“Oh no, Bones looked so proud of himself for figuring out the “stop feeding them” thing and then so dejected when he saw the massive pile of them”

“”Mr Baris, they like you! Well there’s no accounting for taste”

Come on now, this episode is not allowed to be this funny”

“Kirk is so clearly fucking sick of the events of this episode”

“All of this beating around the bush about where the Tribbles are is leading to them having beamed them to the Klingon ship, isn’t it?”

Well, that was The Trouble With Tribbles! my god that was a good episode, I’ve said before some of my favourite Trek is when it goes campy and funny, and this did that in bucketloads. One of my favourites for sure”

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