The Squire of Gothos

The Squire of Gothos

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“20 seconds in and McCoy and Spock are already bickering”

“There seems to be a theme of removing Kirk from the equation every few episodes and just letting the other characters do their thing, and I can’t say I resent it”

“”Full reverse warp away from the planet”
*Next Scene*
“We’re in orbit around the planet”

Okay Spock

“Did Roddenberry have a particular love of episodes where weirdly sentient seeming planets create what I can only assume are replicas of Earth history? This is twice in 3 episodes now”

“The idea that an alien being observed Earth passively and came to the conclusion that we must be obsessed with war and conquest is depressingly realistic”

“I get the impression the writers of this episode were heavily inspired by Mr Mxyzptlk from DC Comics”

“It’s also just occurred to me that this character claims to be impressed by Napoleon, who he can’t possibly be aware of given the stated 900 year delay between events occurring and Trelane viewing them

I realise this is nitpicking I can’t help it I’m sorry”

“This Trelane bloke is like if you took a typical jingoist Brit and crossed him with a bratty child

so he’s like a typical jingoist Brit”

“Even as a comment on outdated viewpoints, referring to Uhura as a “Nubian Prize” is uncomfortable”

“I will never be able to comprehend the incredible acting talent that must have gone into Nimoy showing absolutely zero emotion at any time, I’m not taking the piss I genuinely think it’s incredible what lines he manages to deliver with a straight face”

“Okay, using the duel as a plot to shoot the mirror was bloody clever, I like that”

“Oh great the planet can fly. Is fly the right word? Float? Bob around? Idk it’s chasing them anyway”

“God, Trelane is full of himself. I know that’s the point, but Jesus”

“Kirk is definitely outing himself as a serial killer here with all this talk of “the fun of murder””

“Ngl this is one of the first episodes where I genuinely cannot think of a way in which Kirk makes it out of this, the situation is so catastrophically one-sided”

“Oh ffs, is Trelane literally a bloody child”

“Well that was The Squire of Gothos! I’m not sure what it was that meant this episode didn’t strike me as others have, maybe the whinyness of Trelane grated me too much? It was certainly a good episode, but not a favourite”

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