The Savage Curtain

The Savage Curtain

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Ayyyyy my boi Sulu is actually in this one”

“”What’s all this poppycock about life forms on that planet, the surface is pure lava”

You literally just went to a city floating on a cloud Bones”

“Oh god it’s Abraham Lincoln

It’s gonna be one of those episodes isn’t it”

“What the fuck is going on, how is that Lincoln”

“”Be prepared to give Presidential Honours”

How do presidential orders still exist in the cultural zeitgeist enough to be known by all the crew when the Earth has been United for however long”

“Lincoln seems to have absolutely zero knowledge of current technology, but equally seems entirely unphased by alien life, this is fucking bizarre”

“Oh no it’s trying to do a “racism isn’t a thing anymore so Lincoln saying the N word doesn’t offend Uhura” thing please make it stop”

“”Why would he want to kill only 2 of us?”

Well you’re the 2 highest in command, and he can’t pilot the Enterprise by himself”

“Y’know, it really is miraculous that every planet in the galaxy developed a bright orange sky except for Earth”

“So if whatever is doing this can prevent the phasers and tricorders from coming with them to the planet, and they’re also going to jam the communicators, why did they let the communicators even make it to the planet?”


“I’m so fucking confused by this episode”

“Is this episode seriously trying to do an “enemy of my enemy” thing with a bunch of genociders???”

“I’m sorry, I still can’t get over that villain that looks like a dark and gritty early 00’s redesign of Mr Blobby crossed with a Slitheen”

“Why are there so many species in the galaxy who like kidnapping Kirk and trying to force him to fight for their amusement”

“Surak’s argument for not fighting makes absolutely no fucking sense, these people are histories greatest genociders they’re not gonna let you reason with them”

“Surak’s plan failed, what a shock 🙄”

“I will say I fucking love Lincoln in this tho, the actor is incredible”

“”There is nothing good in war except it’s ending”

is a brilliant line as well, I have to give this episode credit for its Lincoln portrayal honestly”

“Oh of course the fucking Klingon can imitate them, ffs”

“I’m still confused as to whether the evil fuckers were real or not, the rock Slitheen said he offered them power but if they weren’t real what power could they Wield?”

“That is one of the least satisfying endings in the show so far

They just…leave? They learn nothing, the rock thingy learns nothing, what was the point of any of this?”

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