The Return of the Archons

The Return of the Archons

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Sulu in some kind of period dress is awakening something I didn’t know was inside me, and I was already attracted to Sulu”

“”This ship went missing 100 years ago, so naturally we’re the first people to come looking for it””

“This is giving me major “The Purge” vibes and I have absolutely zero doubts that Trek can pull that plot off far better than that movie could”

“Given that these Landru monks are clearly willing to be violent and have some pretty advanced weaponry, Kirk just outright refusing to hear a word they say is a ballsy move”

“So, the citizens of this place have all been “absorbed” by Landru, in order to control them, I get that. But how did Reger avoid being absorbed whilst still living amongst them?”

“Oh god I think I’ve figured it out, there’s no natural citizens of this planet at all are there? All of these people are the former crew of the Archon”

“What is the chain of command aboard the Enterprise? I know Kirk and Spock are top of the ladder, in this episode with them both on the planet Scotty is seemingly in charge, but that seems unusual for an engineer”

“”Their reaction to your defiance was remarkably similar to that of a computer being fed insufficient data” Oh it’s the ships computer on the bloody Archon isn’t it?”

“Absorbed-Kirk walks like a man doing an impression of a penguin and I love it”

“Oh, I think that was the first reference to the Prime Directive, I didn’t think that would be mentioned this early ngl”

“”Freedom is never a gift, it has to be earned” uhhhhh…. yikes?”

“Landru being defeated by confusing its computer brain until it explodes is another trope that Star Trek created that feels typical from a modern perspective isn’t it?”

“Spock and Kirk have both said that Landru the scientist programmed Landru the computer 6000 years ago, but how do they know that?”

“Well that was Return of the Archons! A bit of a slow episode in comparison to some of the others but definitely still enjoyable. Probably not a favourite but I can’t really fault it as an episode”

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