The Omega Glory

The Omega Glory

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”Have Spock, McCoy and (some bloke I’ve never heard of) report to the transportation room”

The bloke I’ve never heard of is obviously a redshirt, right?”

“Oh good it’s another episode of “we ran out of sets, just use the Enterprise set again and claim it’s another ship”, Paramount stop throttling Star Trek’s budget challenge”

“The fact that Captain Tracey is described as one of the best captain in Starfleet really shows just how fucking lucky the Enterprise has gotten in its voyages, to have not been destroyed by any of the many evil things they’ve encountered”

“The Prime Directive: no interference with pre-warp civilisations. Except when a blokes about to be beheaded lol stop that”

“”The biological warfare experiments of the 1990’s”

Life imitates art huh”

“Not that I’m against the idea at all but I’m guessing “the white men are savages” didn’t go down too well when this episode first aired”

“”A Star Captain’s solemn oath is that he will give his life, even the lives of his crew, before he will violate the prime directive”

Kirk buddy, hop off the high horse, you’ve violated it tonnes”

“Oh brilliant, Tracey’s gone insane”

“”Wu is 432 years old”

Yeah, but how long is a year on this planet?

“Oh hey it’s the TOS Action Music again. I can’t help but feel this piece is somewhat overused but my god is it a good one”

“”Good Captain, try to reason with them”

Was that sass Spock?”

“Okay, when I joked last episode about how I wished Bones would get the girl for once instead of Kirk, I didn’t actually expect it to happen”

“Captain Tracey is reminding me too much of the villain from Night at the Museum, which is pulling me out of the story a bit”

“Okay but Tracey said he burned out all the phaser packs, how is he still able to shoot at Kirk?”

“Wait hang on. Yang’s are Yankees and Kohms are communists, fine, cold war analogy whatever, but “the Yang’s are fighting to regain their homeland and are like native Americans” does not fit that analogy in the slightest what are you on about here”

“That is a stars and stripes, what in the everloving fuck is going on here”

“This episode went off the fucking rails real fast”

“Oh of course the Yang’s depiction of the devil happens to look like a fucking Vulcan”

“”No I won’t convince you I’m good, let me fight the other bloke instead that’ll prove it”

Kirk, you’re not the smartest man alive, are you?”

“Wait hang on, since when could Spock mind control people?”

“How the fuck did these people end up with a copy of the fucking United States Constitution?”

“Is this episode trying to do a “stop this yellow peril bullshit” message? I really can’t tell what the fuck is going on rn”

“Oh fuck off playing the Star Spangled banner at the end there, what the fuck is this episode”

“That was the Omega Glory. At least I think it was, I’m not entirely confident it was anything at all what did any of that mean. I’ve had good episode and bad episodes through this project but never one that’s flummoxed me as much as this”

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