The Naked Time

The Naked Time

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“PSI 2000 sounds like something you’d find written on the side of sports equipment, not the name of a planet”

“As much as I’m enjoying watching these episodes, the fact that the Sci-Fi tropes they spawned were inevitably made fun of in shows like Red Dwarf definitely makes them feel less fresh. But then that’s my fault for waiting so long to watch this I guess”

“”We have to make sure we’re not exposed to anything. That’s why my hazmat helmet doesn’t connect to the body suit at all and is basically just a bag on my head””

“How long is the unit of time being measured by the Stardate? Like, how far apart in normal human time is Stardate 1700 from Stardate 1701 for example?”

“”assuming you call that green stuff in your veins blood”
Don’t be racist McCoy”

“”As for my anatomy being different to yours, I am delighted”
For someone with few emotions, Spock sure knows how to clap back 😂”

“”Could what happened down there cause any danger to the crew of this ship?”

Well they all died Jim, so probably”

“Kirk dictating the Captain’s Log in present tense, but talking about things he doesn’t know about yet, implying he’s recording the logs in the future, is incredibly confusing”

“I get the feeling 99% of outbreak/quarantine episodes of Sci-Fi shows

“All those people died of something unknown and now I’m getting weird marks and itches all over my body? Nah it’s probably fine, I won’t report that to anyone””

“I’ve mentioned before that I had seen the first 2 Kelvin Films prior to this, and I never really cared for those, but I’m really enjoying him as a character in this so far”

“O’Riley is now completely going off on one on the bridge and still nobody thinks “maybe this is related to that planet where everyone died inexplicably””

“Topless Sulu. Send Tweet.”

“Is that the first instance of the Vulcan nerve pinch?”

“I’ve enjoyed the binge up to this point but this episode is where I’m really beginning to love the show I think, definitely my favourite episode so far. It’s also the first episode with a proper active role for Scotty. Coincidence?”

“More topless Sulu. Still no complaints”

“Is every single woman on this ship going to fall in love with Spock at some point during the series?”

“No stop it, crying Spock is not okay, my heart hurts”

“Scotty seems very keen on not taking risks when they only have a slim chance of working, despite the alternative being a guaranteed death”

“Wait, did they just invent time travel 5 episodes in to an 800 episode franchise?”

“That was The Naked Time! Really enjoyed that episode, definitely my favourite so far, and leaves me confident I’ll enjoy the franchise going forward tbh”

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