The Motion Picture

The Motion Picture

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Okay, the “shot pulling back through stars while piano music builds up” is beautifully understated for maybe the first minute, 3 whole minutes of it followed by the studio logos is a bit excessive”

(At the time of livetweeting, I was not aware of Film Overtures)

“Oh thank god, we’re on to the more modern Klingon designs, no more blackface”

“The K’tinga Battle Cruiser is such an unashamedly cheesy looking yet still imposing Sci-Fi ship, I love it”


“For something that came out 10 years after The Original Series, the colour grading and camera quality is pretty shite comparatively”

“Good to see Kirk still hasn’t learned the merits of fucking patience, stop snapping at the poor Vulcan Jim”


“Shatner is Shatner, for all that may be worth, but my god Doohan slips back into this role so beautifully”

“The reveal shot of the Enterprise is another scene that would have been brilliant were it not for the fact it goes on for like, 5 fucking minutes 😂”



“Oh good, The Leader from that mediocre Hulk movie is part of the crew”

“Presumably Will Decker is related to Matt Decker in some way?
Also, he’s being a right brat about Kirk taking command, Jesus”

(Will Decker is considered to be Matt Decker’s son, although the film doesn’t mention this)

“That transporter scene was somewhat harrowing, what exactly did that add to the plot other than turning my stomach?”

“Oh shit I just realised, that’s Janice Rand. How the hell did they persuade Grace Lee Whitney to come back after the shit she had to endure on TOS?”

“The uniforms being work by Kirk and co are kinda neat but these weird All-In-One jumpsuits the background crew are wearing leave very little to the imagination.

“This shot of the full crew watching the space station get destroyed is like a Where’s Wally of old costumes. I definitely spied a couple of Andorians in there, and possibly a Tellarite?”

“Lt. Ilia meeting Kirk and immediately making a point to remind him that she’s sworn an oath of celibacy is fucking hilarious”


“Very grumpy Old Man Bones lmao”

“Oh good he’s still slightly sexist, that’s the one character detail they definitely needed to keep 🙄”

“Y’know, one of the things that surprised me the most when coming in to Star Trek for the first time is that the bridge doesn’t have a big front window looking out in front of the ship

The viewer makes more sense but it just never occured to me 😂”

“Okay come on now, Bones is in one of those revealing jumpsuits and they’ve positioned the handrail so it’s always directly in front of his junk, they clearly knew what they were doing here”

“”The Enterprise takes off to go and fight an enemy and immediately bins it into a wormhole” is both ridiculous, and exactly what I’d expect from the TOS crew ngl”

“Decker mate, stop trying to override Kirk’s orders as if you have the authority to do so”

“The engineering outfits are horrible”

“”You acted properly of course”

Well no, he acted improperly, but for valid reasons”

“”A Priority One Shuttle wishes to come alongside and dock”

This better be Spock, he’s been way too absent so far I want my Vulcan boy back”

“I’m taking Kirk’s reaction to Spock’s arrival as definitive proof of Spirk”

“Oh sure Decker, you’re fine with Spock taking your job”

“Why is the bit of the ship behind Kirk’s head all blurry is this some really shit early greenscreening or something?”

“What in the name of sanity has Chapel done to her hair”

“Okay, I know Spock’s doing his whole “Journey of Enlightenment to rid oneself of emotions” bollocks but he doesn’t have to be quite so fucking frosty to the crew excitedly welcoming him aboard”

“Also, emotionless yeah fine, but Kirk told you to sit down and he’s your commanding officer Spock, sit the fuck down”

“I quite like the bridge design in this, although I prefer the TOS original, but I can’t stop thinking how much I dislike these fucking uniforms”

“The Audio mixing is also incredibly inconsistent, I’m having to change the volume every few minutes”

“What powers does Ilia have exactly? They acted like her home planet was a big deal when she showed up and now she’s doing *something* to injured Chekov, but they’ve not really explained anything about her”

“God, I love Uhuras hair in this”

“Did Bones come up to the bridge just to look at the alien and then leave again? For a man who didn’t want to be here he’s awfully invested 😂”

“”This is how I define unwarranted”

Shut the fuck up Decker”

“Idk if it’s intentional because of the Kolinahr or what, but Spock’s monotonous indifference is kinda grating after watching through TOS and TAS”

“”The creator is the one who created V’Ger. V’ger is the one who seeks the creator”

You’re just going round in circles here”

“The Ilia probe just calmly smashing through the door is fucking hilarious fair play”

“Oh fuck, what is Spock up to, Spock where the fuck are you going?”

“I said it already but how the fuck does Chekov still look like a fucking teenager it’s been 10 damn years”

“”I must try to mind meld with it”

Oh sure, now you think of that”

“Spock and Kirk are fucking holding hands now, how can any of you deny Spirk?”

“This is obviously being positioned as a big deal, but given how frequently the Enterprise encountered beings of awesome power in TOS, it’s incredibly surprising to me that Earth hasn’t come under an attack they can’t defend against before”

“”This thing is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now what do you propose we do, spank it?”

Bones has gotten even crankier somehow and I love it”

“Why is Chekovs hair suddenly jet black wtf”

“Slightly disappointed that the “Kirk bluffs by claiming he has info that he actually doesn’t” scene doesn’t come with a Corbomite Maneuver reference”

“Ohhhh fuck it’s an old NASA Voyager probe, that’s actually a brilliant twist I love that”

“Oh good, Decker is this films “introduce a new character to sacrifice at the end to save the day without losing any high stakes crew”. Probably should have seen that coming tbh”

“Wait, they’re just fucking off into the universe now? Don’t they need Starfleet orders or something? Kirk can just say “fuck it, take us off in that direction cause I feel like it”?”

“That was The Motion Picture! I rather enjoyed that tbh, it did feel like an extended length episode of TOS but that’s not a bad thing at all, and it was a fun, interesting story, with a neat twist and some nice characterisations”

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