The Menagerie

The Menagerie

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I’m vaguely aware of the plot of this so I know Spock is to blame for this situation, but they do a brilliant job of not making him seem shady or suspicious in this opening section”

“This is going to be a very humanising episode for Spock isn’t it, seeing more of the human half of him”

“Kirk and Mendez screaming relatively politely at each other is hilarious”

“Spock is a bloody sneaky bastard”

“Why does everyone keep forgetting Spock is half human and saying he’s incapable of lying because of being a Vulcan”

“It wouldn’t be The Original Series without at least one shot of Kirk dramatically turning to camera”

“I hope Kirk being abandoned on the colony means we’re going to get lots of Bones/Spock interaction”

“”Fuel is down to 63%, if we turn back now we’ll barely get back to base”
That- That’s not how maths works guys”

“Spock rigging the ship to do exactly what he wants and then just immediately surrendering himself is brilliant ngl, love that”

“The outfits Kirk and Mendez are wearing as part of the trial, with the weird coloured triangle patches of cloth on, are the most ridiculous outfit I’ve seen so far”

“The old turtleneck outfits in the footage from The Cage, by contrast, are still my favourite outfit”

“Kinda sad Royce was only ever in The Cage, Bones is iconic as a ship’s doctor but I’d have loved to have seen more of him too”

“How does Spock have footage of the Talosians watching Pike and co arrive on Talos IV?”

*Part 2*

“For something that I can only imagine was designed relatively quickly for a very early Sci-Fi pilot, the Talosians are still a really cool design for an alien species”

“I realise I pointed this out in my review of The Cage, but the fact that such a giant sword goes into the alien mans body without coming out the other side, so as not to show any blood or gore, is hilarious”

“This is basically just a rewatch of The Cage and all it’s making me think is that I’m excited for Strange New Worlds to start so I can see more of this crew”

“I didn’t notice just how much the back of the Talosians heads look like buttcheeks until just now, and now I can’t unsee it”

“It’s interesting to think that both episodes to use this footage got their title from the same line of dialogue

“We’re not really here, we’re in a Menagerie, a Cage!”

“”Is your blood red like ours? I’m going to find out” has the same energy as “Do you bleed? You will””

“The Talosians randomly cutting the feed until the Enterprise entered the Talos IV atmosphere, and subsequently allowing Spock to be found guilty, is a real dick move”

“Oh ffs, the Commodore never existed?”

“”This tendency to flagrant emotionalism-“
“There’s no need to insult me, sir”

I never expected to find this show this funny ngl”

“Well that was The Menagerie! It’s hard to review what is in effect a clip show for an episode I only saw 2 weeks ago anyway, but the framing of Spock’s Court Martial was very interesting and it was nice to see a more emotional side to Spock”

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