The Immunity Syndrome

The Immunity Syndrome

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”I too am looking forward to some rest on some lovely planet”

Yeah that’s not gonna happen is it”

“Wait are Vulcans telepathically linked now? Are they Jedi?”

“”I’ve noticed this about your people, you find it easier to understand the death of one, than the death of a million”

Nothing has changed in 50 fucking years”

“”Suffer the death of your neighbour, you wouldn’t wish that on us would you Spock?”
“It may have made your history a bit less bloody”

Spock is going fucking hard in this episode”

“”what are we looking for Mr Spock?”
“I would assume…that!”


“Okay I know you need to show the crew reacting to an incredibly painful tone noise but do you have to deafen the viewer at the same time?”

“”Insufficient data is insufficient Spock, you’re the science officer you’re supposed to have sufficient data!”

I mean sure, but if there’s no data there’s no fucking data Kirk”

“We’re going to attempt to probe the area of darkness”

You just shot a probe at it and it died instantly, what are you planning exactly Kirk”

“”Captain, the stars, are gone!”

And given you’re the one telling us this Chekov, I can only assume the Russians did it”

“”Don’t ask me how it happened”
“I am asking Mr, I want answers!”

Kirk buddy, stop being a twat”

“This ship is in trouble”

You fucking think?”

“”We passed through the boundary layer sir”
“the boundary layer between what and what?”
“The boundary layer between where we were, and where we are”

Did I put on an episode of Red Dwarf by mistake or sommat?”

“If I took a shot for every time somebody said “I don’t know” or “unknown” in this episode I’d die”

“”it goes against all rules of logic”
“Indeed it does, well if it doesn’t work I’ll never let Spock live it down”

I mean, he still made the logical assumption tho”

“”They may not have done all these things, you said yourself this situation is highly illogical”

And this is why an all-Vulcan crew for a starship is a fucking stupid idea”

“Oh so this thing is just one giant cell? Oh god it’s going to be taking in all this energy so it can undergo mitosis and become multiple energy sucking bastards isn’t it”

“Spocks reasoning for going in the shuttle instead of Bones being basically “Vulcans found it first back off you country bumpkin fuck” is an… interesting chain of logic”

“”Brace yourselves, the area of penetration will no doubt be sensitive”

Oh come on they must have known what they were saying when they wrote that line”

“Kirk seems to fluctuate between “military man with little scientific knowledge” to “understanding the exact science behind how a previously unknown entity functions” repeatedly in this episode”

“”Shut up Spock we’re rescuing you!”
“Well thank you, Captain McCoy”

The sass on Spock when he’s about to die is insane”

“”The organism is destroyed sir”

I mean I know that thing was incredibly dangerous but at the same time it wasn’t inherently aggressive. I don’t know that there was really any other option but being so nonchalant about killing the thing feels a bit cold”

“Well that was The Immunity Syndrome! I don’t know why but I just didn’t enjoy this one as much as the last few, it felt a little messy and Kirk snapping at everyone, whilst explained as him being desperate for his shore leave, just comes across as shitty”

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