The Gamesters of Triskelion

The Gamesters of Triskelion

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“The boing sound effect used for this “they didn’t transport they were taken somewhere” is fucking hilarious, what the fuck is that”

“”They got onto the transporter platform and vanished!”
“I assume you mean they vanished in a different manner to usual?”
“Of course I do, do you think I’d call you if they’d just beamed down?”

Scotty joins the list of people sick of Spock’s shit”

“”But captain, if we’re not on Gamma II then where are we?”

How the fuck would he know Chekov”

“”I am Galt, master thrall of the planet Triskelion”

No, you are count Dracula. Seriously, why are you dressed like Dracula”

“Kirk has just been getting more and more irate as this show goes on, hes snapping at Galt way more than he would have if this was early S1”

“Did Roddenberry have a kink for omnipotent beings keeping mortals as playthings or something, it’s like every 3rd episode sometimes”

“”These are your quarters”

That is quite clearly the corridor set from the Enterprise with some bars put over the doors”

“Spock and Bones are definitely becoming less of “we hate eachother and butt heads” and more “crotchety old lovers” as the serious goes on”

“Oh great an implied rape of Uhura, that’s exactly what this show needed🙄”

“It bothers me greatly that the heavily logical Vulcan culture seemingly chose to adopt the American pronunciation of Data. Very intrigued to see what happens when we get to TNG and have the character Data, do Vulcans just pronounce it wrong?”

“Kirk ffs, stop flirting with literally every woman you fucking meet”

“”Oh hey this slave is here to train me on how to also be a slave. Better try to get in her pants!””

“This is almost certainly fixed in the remaster but I love how the star effect on Galt’s eyes when he activates the collars don’t actually line up with his fucking eyes”

“I mentioned it a few times while talking about series 1, but my god the musical score for this show is good. The piece of music that recurs during action scenes is iconic to the point I’m pretty sure I had heard it before I knew what Star Trek even was”

“Spock in command of the Enterprise is something we desperately deserve more of, it’s criminal that we get so little of him captaining”

“Kirk, for the love of God leave the slave woman alone”

“”What is love”

See this woman is clearly vulnerable Kirk, stop it”

“Fun fact about this episode: Shatner overacted so hard he chewed up literally the entire set, I can only assume”

“And now Kirk’s telling her that her getting off with him is “helping her”, stop taking advantage of the poor woman”

“”You’re playing a hunch, well my hunch is that they’re still on Gamma II, and I want another search!”

Okay but you already did a full scan, they weren’t fucking there”

“”It made me feel strangely. If it were allowed I would ask that you be assigned a different drill”

See Kirk, she doesn’t like you forcing yourself on- oh ffs he’s kissing her again”

“Oh good, the providers are just Brains in a Jar”

“Good to see the painting that passed for an underground window in Demon in the Dark continues to get work as the exact same fucking thing in this episode”

“”My people pride themselves on being the greatest gamblers in the universe”

Maybe the Federation isn’t so advanced after all”

“”We have taught cultures to self govern throughout the galaxy”

Man, the prime directive really just means fuck all in this series doesn’t it”

“Oh great, he’s going to have to kill the slave woman isn’t he”

“Hang on where the fuck did that Andorian come from. If you’re gonna reuse costumes this is the obvious episode to do it in but then why wait until this late to be like “oh yeah btw there’s an Andorian here too””

“”I would like to go with you. Take me!”
“I can’t”

Okay but… Why? Just have her join the crew Kirk, don’t be a twat”

“Well that was Gamesters of Triskelion! This felt like an episode with great potential but it just fell a bit flat for me, some of the plot points were very bizarre and at times just creepy and it just doesn’t quite hold up to me”

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