The Galileo Seven

The Galileo Seven

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I immediately have a bad feeling about Farris”

“This is my first time seeing the Galileo Shuttlecraft I think, and as a fan of the Stargate franchise I’ve got to say, they definitely just copied this design for the Atlantis Puddle-Jumpers 😂”

“I realise the answer is basically “because they’re main cast members” but I do have to wonder what Bones and Scotty are doing on a mission to scan something with a Shuttlecraft”

“”I was opposed to this from the beginning” etc etc

Commissioner, the man’s just lost multiple crewmates, at least 3 of whom he called friends, leave the man alone for 5 minutes”

“Other than Number 1 in The Cage, is Uhura the only woman on the Enterprise to not be a Yeoman?”

“This Commissioner character is a right dick”

“”There’s no equipment on this ship that we can lose, we’d have to leave 3 people behind”
You have giant ass chairs that you sit on, I know it’d be a rough ride but surely you could ditch those?”

“Well that blokes dead, that’s one less choice to make”

“I get that the Vulcan lack of emotion can be hard to understand but why does everyone have to be such a dick to Spock?”

“Even Bones is being a dick to him, leave my boy Spock alone 😤”

“They wouldn’t show Kirk this much disrespect 😤”

“The dry ice blowing around the floor of the set is a really good way of obscuring the cheaper sets ngl”

“”I say we hit them dead on”
“Yes I know, but fortunately I’m the one giving orders”
Spock has had enough of your shit buddy”

“Rigging the shuttle to run on the same fuel as the phasers is an ingenious idea, but given how frequently the phasers run out of juice I refuse to believe 7 of them would be enough to fuel an entire shuttle”

“Sure is convenient Scotty came along on this particular mission and none of the 15 others we’ve seen so far”

“This episode is just an hour of anti-Spock-as-Captain propaganda and I won’t stand for it 😤”

“Electrifying the shell of the ship is another ingenious idea, and I’m now convinced that at least one episode of Stargate Atlantis started out as a carbon copy of this episodes script 😂”

“I know we’re supposed to hate the Commissioner, and he is a right dick, but he does kinda have a point. The lives of presumably hundreds of plague victims probably outweigh the lives of 7 crewmembers”

“The guys going back for Spock after being nasty to him all episode is clearly supposed to be used to show that logic isn’t always the right course of action, but it just kind of feels out of character for Boma to give a damn”

“”I may have been mistaken”
“Well at least I lived long enough to hear that”

Okay fair play Bones that was funny”

“Again, this is clearly meant to be a “and Spock learned to embrace the illogical at times” story and yeah okay, fine, but maybe let the bloke be himself? He’s a Vulcan, let him be a bloody Vulcan”

“Also, they’re acting like burning up the fuel was an illogical move but they would have died either way, surely the logical move was to take the leap of faith because it couldn’t make their situation any worse? Bar them dying in 6 minutes instead of 40 I guess”

“Well that was The Galileo Seven! Another very enjoyable episode, although the continued ill treatment of Spock is very prominent in this one, and Kirks disinterest in the Plague victims seems very out of character”

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