The Doomsday Machine

The Doomsday Machine

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Hang on, that’s not Uhura or Chekov, who are these people”

“Wait, don’t they have the ability to scan for lifesigns? Why are they suddenly having to beam aboard the other ship to see if there’s anyone there?”

“Ah, this was the “We’ve run out of money, just use the sets you’ve already got for the Enterprise” episode, wasn’t it?”

“Jim, the blokes in shock and only just came to, stop shouting at him”

“Oh shit he accidentally killed his crew too, this guys having one hell of a day”

“”The antimatter in the warp drive pods has been deactivated”
“Scotty, could some kind of energy field do that?”

Kirk you watched an energy field do exactly that literally last episode”

“”Its current path takes it through the most densely populated parts of our galaxy”

Oh of course it would”

“For a prop built in the 60’s, that planet killer doomsday thing looks pretty convincingly menacing ngl”

“”Lower your deflectors to beam us aboard”

yeah, that was always gonna go well, wasn’t it?”

“”Random chance seems to have operated in our favour”
“In plain, non Vulcan English, we’ve been lucky”
“I believe I said that Doctor”

You didn’t tho, did you Spock?”

“This is why you don’t have complicated command structures, where the commanding officer is technically a lower rank than Commodore Decker, but is still a commanding officer”

“”You could declare him medically unfit”
“I’ll declare that right now”
“You would also need to provide your medical notes to back that statement up”

How on Earth does Bones, as the Chief Medical Physician, not know that?”

“I know the real-world answer is “budget” but given the Constellation can barely move on its impulse engines rn, why have they not ejected the main saucer from the Nacelles to reduce the weight of the ship? The impulse engines are on the back of the saucer aren’t they?”

I mean, I know Decker absolutely should be relieved of his command, but I’m also pretty certain absolutely nobody on that ship or the Constellation has any authority to do so, and Kirk calling the Enterprise “his ship” doesn’t change that”

“Oh great and now Decker’s gone rogue, the mans insane how did he become a commodore exactly”

“Okay well now he’s sacrificing himself I feel bad for calling him insane now fuck you Decker”

“”Am I right in saying an explosion of 97 megatons would result from the overheating of impulse engines?”
“No sir, 97.835 megatons”

Shut up Spock you pedantic bastard”

“Kirk, did you not think to ask “hey btw is the transporter working atm” before arranging for the ship you’re on to be destroyed and requiring slim timing to get you transported afterwards?”

“And of course the transporter fucked up because the Enterprise has a penchant for dramatic timing when it breaks”

“”Gentlemen, I suggest you beam me aboard”

What the fuck do you think they’re trying to do Jim?”

“”Way back in the 20th Century the H-Bomb was their doomsday machine”

This came out during the Cold War, was this supposed to be a “the moral of the story is put your fucking nukes away boys” episode?”

“”I wonder if there are more of those weapons wandering around the universe”
“Well I certainly hope not, I found one quite sufficient”

Kirk I’m pretty sure you just stole Spock’s line”

“Well that was The Doomsday Machine! Another solid favourite, the back half of S1 and beginning of S2 is full of hits. Deckers character felt a bit all over the place at times but overall, a very good episode”

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