The Devil in the Dark

The Devil in the Dark

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh god, that intro string feels like something straight out of the 60’s Batman show”

“”Something’s been killing our men down here. Better leave one man on solo guard duty down here, he totally won’t go the same way””

“That is clearly just a painting of a cave, there is no depth to that whatsoever”

“”If we could force another appearance of this creature”

Spock you jinxed it and now the poor bloke is dead, well done”

“If I took a shot every time Kirk says “there’s too many tunnels, we couldn’t possibly cover them all” in this episode I’d already be black out drunk”

“Oh god, those round silicon things are gonna turn out to be the creatures eggs or something aren’t they?”

“”50 people have died, I want no more deaths” Kirk said, to a room full of redshirts”

“There goes the first of what I can only assume will be many redshirts this episode”

“That thing is just a burned Pizza”

“Kirk arguing that making the creature extinct is a good thing actually seems to violate the whole “no interfering with other species” thing”

“Spock seems genuinely hurt that Kirk would try to bench him with Scotty 😂”

“”You take the left tunnel, I’ll take the right”
“Should we seperate?”

Well yes that does seem to be what he’s telling you to do Spock”

“I know it was intended more as a “should we really be seperating?”, but this is a rare dud delivery from Nimoy imo”

“Spock is being much more emotional than usual in this episode, sounding genuinely terrified when Kirk doesn’t respond to his contact. Is this character development, or just an inconsistency in this episode?”

(Replies clarified that Nimoy learned of his fathers death during the filming of this episode)

“Wow, Spock went from “We should try to capture it” to “kill the damn thing Kirk” in seconds”

“Good to see that “Kirk misleading Bones into situations he’d never normally enter” isn’t unique to the Kelvin timeline”

“”I’m a Doctor, not a bricklayer!”

Well yes, but the thing is alive Bones”

“Kirk bending down to fit into the tunnel gave us a really obtuse shot of his ass and uhh

Kirk is thicc

No further comments”

“Is this episode really going to go for the “living together in harmony” message, rather than the “stop colonising and plundering resources from another race” message?”

“”Spock, you’re becoming more human all the time”
“Captain, I see no reason to stand here and be insulted!”

Please never change Spock”

“Well, that was The Devil in the Dark! A very enjoyable episode and an interesting take on the misunderstood locals trope that has become so common in Sci-Fi, but I do find the “Maybe we can plunder this civilisations resources WITHOUT killing them” message to miss the mark slightly”

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