The Deadly Years

The Deadly Years

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Does Starfleet not know what flashlights are? Chekov is wandering around a pitch dark room with his arms out, turn a torch on buddy”

“Oh god, it’s planet of the decrepit old people, this isn’t going to be offensive at all 🙄”

“I love how, no matter what batshit events are occurring, Kirk always immediately goes “Is it the Romulans?””

“Oh god, another former love interest of Kirks, cause we don’t have enough of those already 🙄”

“The Commodore seems desperate to get to Starbase 10, which seems suspicious, but at the same time he’s entirely right. The Starbase likely has much better facilities to investigate whatever the fuck is going on”

“Bones aging and it just making him even more fucking grumpy is incredible 😂”

“”We’re aging at a rate of 30 years every day. I estimate we have a week left to live”

Jesus, I know life expectancy is higher in this era, but that implies an upper limit of like 300 years old”

“Oh god, why are we getting a “the former love interest of Kirk has a thing for older men” subplot”

“”Increase orbit to 20,000 Perigee Sulu”

That- that’s not what a perigee is”

“Old man Kirk falling asleep at his post is making me wonder why the Commodore hasn’t relieved him of his fucking duty yet”

“”Increase orbit to 20,000 mile perigee”

No, you can’t get it right the second time and then act like the first one made sense”

“Oh *now* the Commodore is trying to relieve Kirk, took you long enough buddy”

“”This isn’t gonna hurt a bit”
“That’s what you said last time”
“Did it hurt?”

Chekov is utterly sick of this shit lmao”

“Wow, cranky old man Kirk really tallies up well with cranky old man Shatner”

“I know it’s not necessarily a continuity issue as such but it is inherently humorous to me that none of the aged up characters in this look anything like how the actors ended up looking in old age”

“Scotty is the worst offender in this, give the man his glorious moustache damn it”

“The Commodore is definitely a bad guy right? He’s now ordering them to fly through the fucking neutral zone what is he thinking”

“”Get out. I never want to have to look at you again”


“”Ancient history, just after the atomic age”

Shut the fuck up Bones”

“I mean, I understand that they’re saying adrenalin can stop the radiation sickness, but how the fuck are they planning on de-aging themselves?”

“”If I could just talk to the Romulans, explain why we violated the Neutral Zone”

Which was… why exactly??? So you can get to your beloved Starbase 10 faster? You think that’s a valid excuse to the Romulans?”

“”We have no alternative but to surrender”
“The Romulans don’t take captives”


“No okay, you can’t just reference The Corbomite Maneuver and act like that makes this anywhere near as good an episode”

“”An experience we’ll remember i our old age. Which hopefully won’t be for quite a while”

Har. Har.”

“Well that was The Deadly Years! Definitely an interesting concept, and seeing the gang as grumpy old men was fun, but a lot of the humour fell flat for me in this one. A middle of the pack episode in my opinion”

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