The Corbomite Maneuver

The Corbomite Maneuver

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh, we’re back to pretending they’re out in uncharted space again are we?”

“You can’t throw an unidentifiable large cubic object at someone with very little understanding or knowledge of Star Trek like this and expect my brain not to immediately go “Borg Cube?” even though I’m relatively sure they don’t show up in TOS”

“Getting to see more of Spock in command of the Enterprise is nice, almost wish he were captain for a whole set of episodes”

“”What am I, a doctor, or a moon shuttle conductor?”

Never change Bones, never change”

“”I have a human thing called an adrenaline gland”

“That sounds most inconvenient, have you tried having it removed?”
This episode is nailing the dialogue”

“Why is Uhura in gold now, doesn’t she usually wear red?”

(Replies confirmed that this was an early filmed episode)

“”I’ll keep that in mind Mr Bailey, when this becomes a democracy”
God damn, whoever wrote this episode gets me”

“This episode feels far more cinematic than anything that came before, the music is more orchestral and the set pieces feel bigger”

“”We’re at point blank range and closing”
that’s… not how point blank works Bailey”

“”Was this sent by intelligence different to us, or superior?”

Those things are not mutually exclusive Kirk. Also, surely by definition they’ll be different, unless she’s expecting to hear that the cube was sent from Earth?”

“Bones absolutely goes out of his was to fuck with Jim as much as possible and I love it”

“Kirk just assuming the bizarre alien ship they’re being grabbed by is going to understand English is a bold move”

“Well, Balok’s a bit of a knob isn’t he?”

“I get that they’re going with the idea that Kirk promoted Bailey too soon and he’s not ready for a command role, but my god he’s dense”

“Oh, the Corbomite bluff is nice, I like that”

“Wobbly blue boy mad

send tweet”

“”Engines are overheating”
“More power”

how exactly did you end up in charge of a ship Kirk”

“All the extras having to act like they’ve been thrown against a wall on a set that’s clearly not actually moving is bloody hilarious ngl”

“”The face of the unknown. I think I owe you a look at it”

Has that line been used in this before? Or have I just heard it being said in reference to this episode in Star Trek culture?”

(Replies clarified that this is a famous line within the franchise)

“Balok is… a white version of Sil from Doctor Who?”

“I have a set of bluetooth earphones from a brand called Tranya and now I can’t rule out the possibility that they were named after a drink from an episode of fucking Star Trek 😂”

“Oh, that ended very suddenly, I was expecting more interaction with the real Balok”

“Still, that was The Corbomite Maneuver! Definitely goes straight in as one of my favourites, the idea of the cast being immediately outmatched and in “checkmate” as Spock put it, and having to think outside the box to survive, makes for some of the best Sci-Fi in my opinion”

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