The Cloud Minders

The Cloud Minders

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Didnt we just do the “deadly plague is killing everyone and the substance to cure it is incredibly rare” literally last episode?”

“”Statos captain, a city actually floating in the sky” “It looks as tranquil as it’s reputation” It looks like a monopoly piece or some cotton wool Kirk”

“”all forms of violence have been eliminated”

Yeah, like all the other times that’s been said in the show, do you not remember what happened on Argelius Spock?”

“Okay I know this episode came out in the 60’s and ADR technology probably didn’t exist but surely they could do better than having Kirk say “who are you, what is the meaning of this attack” whilst lingering on a close up where he very visibly is saying nothing”

“”Hey we’ve got a species of humanoids who live in caves on this planet. What shall we call them?”
“Well the word Troglodyte is used to mean a person who lives in a cave, fuck it just cut a syllable out of that and call them Troglytes””

“It took a whole 7 minutes for the nearly naked woman of the episode to show up, I’m impressed”

“I know the budget was low by this point but that “knife” is so fucking obviously a piece of cardboard come on now”

“So this is presumably going down the road of “actually the city dwellers are oppressing the Troglytes” or something, but how the fuck did nobody from the Federation realise that when assessing their application to join the Federation????

“Man, if you don’t have the budget to make a convincing knife prop don’t make it such an integral part of the fucking episode”

“This woman pestering Spock to sleep with her is equal parts hilarious and really dodgily written”

“”Troglyte is an abbreviation of an ancient earth term, captain”

Making your lazy naming systems seem intentional doesn’t make them less lazy guys”

“Okay but surely the Federation has a law against torture that would make this a pretty cut and dry case against the Cloud Dwellers?”

“”If Captain Kirk appears again, kill him”


“”The Troglytes are mentally inferior”

Don’t you fucking start Bones”

“”Your Federation orders do not allow you to defy local governments”

Not even if those local governments are in clear violation of Federation law???”

“”Well it’s pretty hard to overcome prejudice”

says the man who is prejudiced against Spock on a regular basis”

“”Hours can be Centuries, just as Words can be Lies”



“Why are they sneaking through the city to get to the mines when they could just get the Enterprise to beam them down and avoid all the sentinels?”

“That mask does not fit Kirk’s head even slightly lmao”

“How many times is Kirk going to pin that woman to the floor in this episode, Jesus”

“”That’s not an exact quote Mr Scott, however it does express the thought”

Spock you pedantic fucker”

“”He was found half unconscious”

What the fuck is “half unconscious”?”

“Wait, could he not beam the Advisor directly to the cave? Why did he have to go via the transporter room?”

“This episode has gone decidedly dark with the whole “Kirk is affected by the gas and tries to straight up murder the Advisor” shit”

“The last 5-10 minutes of this episode, including the conclusion, are incredibly bizarre. It just sorta… Happens? There’s no real conclusion beyond “well we got the Zenite, you’re free to fight amongst yourselves now””

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