The Changeling

The Changeling

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“4 billion people gone with no explanation certainly feels like something that should be a major concern to these people, yet they’re discussing it very calmly and slowly”

“I feel like Scotty diverting power out of the Warp Drive after Kirk told Sulu to engage defensive manoeuvres deserved more criticism”

“Sending messages through maths is absolutely brilliant in its nerdiness”

“”Your facts are uncoordinated” is a hilarious way of saying “you’re an idiot””

“Ahhh, this is another concept that became a Sci-Fi trope, the machine designed to aid that misinterpreted its purpose and killed everyone. Reminds me of Doctor Who’s Smile”

“And now the damaged murder machine is floating around the ship on its own because nobody was guarding it, well done lads”

“Season 2 is just Scotty getting beaten to shit every 5 seconds, isn’t it?”

“Is Nurse Chapel ever going to have a notable role in an episode again, or is she doomed to just appear randomly for a scene every few episodes and do nothing?”

“Oh god, the scene of Uhura having to sound out words and stuff is giving me flashbacks to having to help my younger siblings with English Homework”

“Boy it sure is lucky Kirk happens to have a similar name to the inventor of the Nomad probe, else they’d all be dead 10x over by now”

“Welp. there go another 2 redshirts”

“So this ship is programmed to destroy all life and “sterilise” planets, and they’ve just shown it how to get to Earth

How are these guys in charge of a spaceship again?”

“Aaaand another 2 redshirts”

“Oh god, this is going to be another case of Kirk talking a machine into killing itself, isn’t it?”

“”Didn’t think I had it in me, did you Spock?”
“No sir, I did not”

Kirk looked genuinely hurt by that 😂”

“Kirk taking the piss out of Spock and Bones by calling Nomad “my son, the doctor” is hilarious ngl”

“Well that was The Changeling! This episode felt a little weaker than those preceeding it, a bit slow at times, but still overall a very fun episode to watch”

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