The Cage

The Cage

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“The campy early CGI combined with that zoom shot into the bridge of the Enterprise has such a wonderfully retro Sci-Fi feel, I love that”

“As much as I love all the futuristic Starfleet outfits I’ve seen online from the various shows, there’s something inherently comfortable about what effectively boils down to a turtleneck and trousers”

“Is “203 lives” a consistent crew level for the Enterprise, or is this gonna be like Red Dwarf where it’s anywhere from a couple hundred to a few thousand depending on what the episode requires?”

(replies clarified that 203 is the pilot number, and the consistent crew number throughout TOS is 430)

“”I can’t get used to having a woman on the bridge” I know this was a different time but you’re literally addressing another woman Pike learn some tact”

“Ah, the famous “random rocky valley in LA that’s used for 99% of Sci-Fi sets”, good to see you bud”

“My main experience of Spock prior to this is in the Kelvin films so it may just be a difference with them, but he seems way more human in this, he’s smiling and showing emotion a lot more, is that a “slightly dodgy pilot episode” thing, or a “JJ Abrams was talking shit” sort of thing?”

(Replies clarified that this is a “slightly dodgy pilot episode” thing)

“I can’t not see Tucker from Enterprise when I look at Jose Tyler in this and I don’t know why”

“The aliens locked up with Pike are very reminiscent of early Doctor Who “What can we make with 3 packets of shoe laces and some Spearmint Gum” outfits and I love it”

“Fair play to Pike for not even starting to fall for the memory palace thing and immediately realising its the Talosians fucking with him”

“That has to be the smallest shield in the history of combat what benefit is that conveying to you Pike?”

“Feels like a sign of the times this was made in that stabbing someone was seen as too much and had to be hidden on screen, but straight up having an illusion in the shape of a scantily clad woman try to get on Pike was absolutely fine”

“That Talosian punishment system is harrowing I did not expect anything that dark in this show”

“Why is this Talosian talking with his mouth now when he was telepathically communicating with Pike earlier?”

“Incidentally, I’m watching this whilst inhaling a pint of Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream, as should be customary for all television”

“Knew I’d seen that outfit somewhere before”

“The illusions in this episode, the phasers not working etc, are really well done, especially for such an old show”

“Having said that, the Talosians coming out of the rocks on what is clearly a bit of painted cardboard as a backdrop for the lift is low budget to the sake of hilarity”

“Quite enjoyed that, a tight story and a good introduction to the concept of spacefaring Sci-Fi”

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