The Apple

The Apple

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“All planets other than Earth were designed by a bisexual god who made the lighting to reflect that fact”

“”Husbandry would be quite efficacious”
“Are you sure about that?”


“”Makes me homesick, just like Russia”

Chekov… are you actually Russian? cause this looks nothing like Russia”

“”I could do with a nice walk in a garden with green leaves and grass”
“We’ll do the walking Scotty”

Give the man a shore leave Kirk come on”

“This blonde Yeoman woman that Chekov seems to be dating is so clearly a stand-in for Yeoman Rand after she left the show it’s not even funny”

“I mean, she even has the exact same damn hair”

“”Extremely low specific gravity”

Just say it’s light Spock”

“”Garden of Eden. With land mines”

Why do I get the impression that sentence was also the pitch document for this episode?”

“Spock sacrificing himself for Kirk, they so clearly knew what they were doing with the Spirk stuff by this point come on now”

“Also, I love how they didn’t attempt to save the other crewmans life after the plant shot him, but with Spock they immediately rush over and Bones is straight to trying to treat him 😂”

“”As it is now, we couldn’t beam up a fly!”

The slow zoom on Scotty’s face as he said that was hilarious”

“”Dr McCoy’s potion is acting like all of his potions, turning my stomach. Other than that, I am quite well”

Even when near death, Spock will sass the fuck out of Bones”

“”Well next time just yell, I’m perfectly capable of stepping out of the way myself”

Yes but then he wouldn’t be sacrificing himself for his love Jim”

“In a shocking turn of events, the redshirt who’s not answering his communicator is in fact ali-

fucking explosive rocks 😑”

“Is this random civilization that’s never encountered humans speaking English, or did the show forget to show us the universal translator again?”

“”If you can’t get those warp engines working, you’re fired”

He literally just told you if he doesn’t fix them he’ll die, what did you not understand about that Kirk”

“Is Kirk’s new, almost green uniform with the weird V cut and the sideways Starfleet logo at the bottom a permanent thing, or is it just for these last couple of episodes?”

“”The holding, the touching. Vaal has forbidden this”
“Well, there goes paradise”

Love it Bones 😂”

“”It does something for you”
“Yes captain, it makes me uncomfortable”

Come on Spock, lighten up”

“”That’s incredible”

You could almost say Bones, that it’s… fascinating?”

“I am liking this habit the show has this series of putting a rotating cast of 4 or 5 of the main cast separated from the rest of the crew, it’s a nice way to develop some different characters each time out”

“”These are humanoids, they need to advance and grow. There’s been no progress here in 10,000 years”

Bones, buddy, you remember that Prime Directive you agreed to when you joined Starfleet?”

“Woah, we went from “these people are primitive” to ” we need to kill one of them to force Vaal to make a replacement” in seconds”

“Why is Spock getting awkward talking about sex, he’s half Vulcan”

“”If it wasn’t for Vaal, this place would be paradise”
“Any place we can be together is paradise”

Chekov mate, shut the fuck up”

“Oh brilliant, now Vaal’s gonna be pissed at his people touching and kissing, all cause Chekov couldn’t keep it in his pants”

“Is this episode going to be another example of Kirk talking a computer to death? That seems to be his go-to strategy when a computer is involved”

“”Second degree burns, I bet they hurt”
“Doctor, you have an unsurpassed talent for understatement”

I feel like I say this too often, but, with the exception of the racist bits, I love Bones and Spocks relationship”

“Is Lieutenant Kyle ever going to become a main role, or is he doomed to forever stand around being occasionally referenced by Scotty and told what to do?”

“Does Kirk actually have the authority to fire Scotty?”

“Why is Spock giving any credence to the similarities between this story and Genesis, surely he’d consider religion “illogical”?”

“”Mr Spock, are you casting me as Satan, are you aware of anyone on this ship who looks remotely like Satan?”

I see you staring at his ears while you say that Kirk, curb your racism”

“Well that was The Apple! This felt like a very mundane, middle of the road episode, the concept had merits, but it’s just so forgettable. There’s an unfortunate undertone of telling tribes how to live their lives as well, which just leaves this one towards the bottom of the pile”

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