The Alternative Factor

The Alternative Factor

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Lay in a course for Starbase 200″ Jesus, how many of these things are there?”


Helpful Spock, thanks for that”

“Ah good, a visit to Vasquez Rocks, love to see it”

“Invasion? An actual invasion, or a “the Klingons are invading for about 5 minutes and then they fuck off” invasion?”

“This man’s beard is glorious”

“The way the villain is being described by this bloke does not feel like it lends itself to a single episode, this guy feels like a movie level threat”

“”I see no reason for your indignation, I merely made the logical conclusion that you are a liar”

Yeah, I wonder why he took that poorly Spock”

“My god, the special effects are headache inducing on this one, I can’t make out any of what’s going on right now”

“”Maybe I’m imagining things, you tell me”
“You tell me, that’s why you brought me down here”

Calm the sass Kirk”

“That bandage/plaster/thing on Lazarus’ forehead is comically useless”

“”Because, it is not there”

Kirk’s “What the fuck are you on about” face is hilarious”

“This Lazarus bloke is so clearly not what he seems, that the idea that nobody on the ship is doubting him at all is ludicrous”

“This man already threatened to steal the Dilithium Crystals why is the engineering department not guarded at all”

“I’ve not said nearly as much about this episode as usual and I can honestly say it’s because absolutely fucking nothing is happening in this episode, seriously what’s going on here”

“This is the third time we’ve had the “Lazarus wakes up in the medical bay after an attack” scene, and twice after falling from a cliff, get on with it already”

“Oh so he’s a time traveller? Or alternative universe?”

“This episode really is a whole lot of standing around talking about nothing much at all, isn’t it?”

“”Almost as if he were… two men”

Yes he’s Jekyll and Hyde we figured this out 20 minutes ago get on with it”

“”Matter and anti-matter have a tendency to cancel each other out. Violently”
“Like both Lazarus, only one is matter, and the other is anti-matter”

This episodes biggest flaw from what I’ve seen so far is that it thinks its audience are thick as shit, we get the point already guys”

“Wow, the Enterprise really just has easily sabotageable panels in random corridors that knock out the whole ship huh?”

“Sorry, did Lazarus just knock that guy out by bashing him in the neck with his chin?”

“Well, that was The Alternative Factor. Really did not enjoy that episode, it felt like a 20 minute story stretched to 3 times longer than it had any need to be. Some fun ideas, but really not executed well at all”

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