Spock’s Brain

Spock’s Brain

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“What in the name of God did they do to Scotty’s hair”

“Alien beings with overpowered tech that renders the Enterprise powerless? What a novel and unique concept 🙄”

“Jesus Christ Majel, I know the Star Trek Shake is a thing but the “Nurse Chapel over dramatically faints and takes like 20 seconds to do so” isn’t, to the best of my knowledge”

“What in the name of sanity has Spock got on his head”

“”His brain is gone”

Bones I know you don’t like Spock but come o- oh wait, his brain is literally gone”

“”Where are you going to look for Spock’s Brain?”

Great sentences in human history”

“This scene of Chekov and Kirk explaining the various ratings of Class M planets feels more like a response to people asking what the fuck those things meant, than a natural part of the episode”

“”If I guess wrong, Spock will die”

Here’s a novel idea Kirk, send a landing party to all 3 of the fucking planets”

“”Temperature a maximum of 40. Liveable”
“You have a thick skin Mr Chekov”

Well he is fucking Russian, Kirk”

“”They come for all of us”
“Do they come for your women as well?”

Ah yes, good to see Kirk has his priorities”


“How do you develop space flight and those weird knockout devices but not know what a brain is?”

“”I am leader, there is no others”
“That’s impossible, who builds the machines?”

Bones, Women can build things you know”

“Oh god they’re using Spock’s Brain as this “controller” thing, aren’t they?”

“I cannot deal with Remote Control Spock, it’s terrifying”

“God fucking damn it Kirk, you had your phaser pointed at her before she even saw you, how did she get the jump on you?”

“Is Kirk about to turn into DC comics The Thinker? That hat is very similar”

“How the fuck did she get that phaser”

“”No-one can kill a man, not for any purpose, it is not condoned”

Didn’t they imply a couple of episodes ago that the Federation still has the death penalty for murderers?”

“S2 and 3 Bones strikes me as a man insanely concerned about his legacy. Every 5 seconds he’s offering to take a risk to get his name in the history books”

“Connecting his vocal chords back up is all well and good, but if he doesn’t have muscle control yet how is he moving his lips?”

“It’s more of a Red Dwarf gag than a Star Trek one, but then this is a very Red Dwarf-y episode, but I would have loved to have seen Spock be like “yes thank you McCoy it all works perfectly” and then immediately walk off backwards”

“Well that was Spock’s Brain! Honestly I didn’t think that was nearly as bad as it’s reputation, it’s obviously a very silly episode but it holds together well and manages to be relatively compelling the whole way through”

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