Spectre of the Gun

Spectre of the Gun

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”Thank you, Science Officer”

Have you two fallen out or something, use his damn name Jim”

“”You have encroached on the space of the Melkot”

Oh good, another episode where a weird probe thing blocks them from entering a region of space, and of course Kirk is going to ignore the request to kindly fuck off isn’t he?”

“”There seems to be little choice”

No, you absolutely have a choice, you could leave these people alone like they very respectfully asked of you”

“Also if the Melkotians has never had contact with the Federation and don’t venture through space, how do the Federation know of them and what their race is called?”

“Oh good the Melkotians are floating balls of snot, great work Paramount costume team”

“”Our warning was plain, you have disregarded it. Kirk, the disobedience was your order”

I mean yeah, these guys are entirely correct here, Kirk is in the wrong”

“Were Paramount filming an OK Corral movie during the late 60s or something?”

“”October 26 1881, Tombstone Arizona”

Oh fuck off, it actually is the OK Corral

Aaaand Paramount made an OK Corral movie in 1957, it’s all beginning to make sense 😂”

“”Who won?”

Well not the people you’re representing Chekov, that’s for sure”

“”History cannot be changed”

Well yeah but like, this is a fake setup Spock, you wouldn’t actually be changing history if you survived”

“That OK Corral film Paramount made in 1957, I’ve just seen they made a sort of sequel in 1967 called Hour of the Gun, they’re not even being subtle here are they”

“”You know we’re always supposed to maintain good relations with the natives!”

I mean, that doesn’t mean snogging them Chekov, but also tbf, Kirk can hardly complain”

“Chekov, stop flirting with the bloody barwoman and help the others find a way out of this”

“”The place we beamed down could be anywhere within 1000 miles”

Well no, you definitely didn’t walk that far Kirk”

“Chekov why did you turn down the girls marriage proposal, you know this place isn’t real she’ll stop existing when you leave, you’re not gonna hurt her”

“And now he’s been shot, well done Chekov you fucking idiot”

“The Sheriff in this episode is a complete coward, Jesus”

“”it’s quite simple, nothing can go wrong”
“Up until now everything has gone wrong”

That doesn’t really mean much tho does it Kirk”

“”We are not going to move from this spot!”

“Is Spock trying to argue here that they can escape death by just refusing to believe they can die? That’s a fucking bizarre one but go on then”

“Why is Scotty the lab rat for all of their ideas in this episode, poor guys already suffering from an abysmal haircut, leave him be”

“Was Chekov’s death engineered to happen early solely so they could have a cool 4v4 faceoff scene?”

“Oh okay they’re just back on the Enterprise now? That just sort of… Happened I guess?”

“”Captain Kirk, you did not kill. Is this the way of your kind?”
“It is. We fight only when there’s no choice, we prefer the ways of peaceful contact”

Hmm. Sure, that definitely sounds like humans /s”

“”I wonder how humanity managed to survive”

Yeah me too tbh Spock”

“Well that was Spectre of the Gun! Honestly this episode felt a little slow, they were clearly trying to crosspromote Hour of the Gun and the plot just kinda went nowhere for half the episode. The gunfight at the end almost makes up for it, but this ones not a favourite”

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