Space Seed

Space Seed

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”I fail to understand why it always gives you pleasure to see me proven wrong?”

Me too Spock, me too”

“”The last such vessel was built in the 1990’s”

God, they really didn’t think this show would still be relevant 30 years after that ship was supposedly built, did they?”

“”The Eugenics Wars of the 90’s, an attempt to improve your race through scientific engineering”

Boy that’s a painful sentence

“”I signed aboard this ship to practice medicine, not to have my atoms scattered across space”

Bones, you’re a grumpy old man, you know that right?”

“”What a handsome group of people”

Given you just said this ship was launched during a eugenics war, that’s probably cause for concern McGivers”

“”Probably a Sikh, they were incredible warriors”

I’m not sure if that’s a problematic sentence or not but it feels uncomfortable”

“Kirk and Spock are sassing the hell out of each other this episode”

“Oh great, he’s been awake all of 5 seconds and he’s already got a knife to McCoy’s throat”

“Bones refusing to answer Khan’s questions as to where he is and instead telling him how best to cut his throat is a bold move, but not a very logical one”

“”I would be most interested in studying the engineering manuals of this ship”

Yeah, give the creepy bloke from 200 years ago knowledge of how to sabotage your ship, great idea”

“These ‘Supermen’ as Spock calls the eugenically created people, seized power in 40 countries simultaneously? All issue with the people themselves aside, that’s bloody impressive co-ordination”

“Oh god, Khan is being very creepy with McGivers, please tell me this episode isn’t going to turn into Enemy Within”

“I’m ngl, as much as this episode is fine in itself, I’m really not seeing how Khan became such a fan favourite villain at all”

“Oh god, the way Khan is treating McGiver is uncomfortable to watch”

“Why is McGiver so attached to him anyway? She met him like, a day ago”

“Kirk and Scotty showing admiration for Khan, and Spock just looking on horrified, is hilarious ngl”

“Okay, the episode is picking up a bit now, with Khan awakening the other supermen or whatever we’re calling them. Boy, the setup was slow though”

“Christ McGivers pick a side, you’re back and forth like a Yo-Yo right now”

“Khan trying to bend a phaser in half to demonstrate his strength, and the prop department clearly not having got the memo that the phaser should be brittle, is possibly the funniest part of this show yet”

“”I have 5 times your strength, you are no match for me”

Literally not even 5 seconds later Kirk beats him unconscious with a piece of pipe, come on now”

“Hang on. Khan, a eugenicist dictator from Earths history, tried to destroy the Enterprise and kill Kirk and his crew, and Kirk’s response is “eh, I’ll give him a planet”???”

“”It would be interesting to return to that world in 100 years and learn what crop has sprung from the seed you planted today”

Oh yeah, that’s not gonna come back to bite you on the ass is it Spock?”

“Well, that was Space Seed! It’s always interesting to see the origins of pop culture icons like Khan, but the slow buildup and lack of any real events in the first half of the episode weaken this one, and Kirk’s decision at the end is absolutely baffling”

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