Shore Leave

Shore Leave

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Kirk feeling someone massaging his back and immediately assuming it’s Spock is the best evidence yet that Spirk is real”

“I’m sorry, did I accidentally put Alice in Wonderland on instead? What is going on?”

“This is gonna be one of the more comedic episodes isnt it? That’s not a complaint in the slightest I love this shows comedy 😂”

“Oh, Spock tricking Kirk into taking shore leave is glorious, that’s my favourite scene in the franchise so far”

“”It’s probably harmless”


Well that lasted”

“I know the actress who played Yeoman Rand quit the show, is Yeoman Barrows her replacement, or just a one off character?”

(Replies clarified that she is a one off)

“Bones is very over-animate in this episode”

“I know it’s probably just a park somewhere but the sets used for this episode feel so much more real than any alien planet we’ve seen so far”

“Okay, so I get that this planet seems to manifest into reality whatever you happen to be thinking about, but are we not going to question why Bones was randomly daydreaming about Alice in Wonderland?”

“Bones flirting with Barrows is so uncomfortable, he’s clearly not flirted with someone in a very long time”

“So we’ve got Alice in Wonderland, a Samurai, a Tiger, and now a Jouster? This planet is bloody bizarre”

“Wait no, they did not just kill Bones”

“”This is not human skin tissue Captain”
No shit Spock, it looks like a mannequin”

“I’m going to make a prediction based on how this show treats women and say that the Yeoman’s dress is going to conveniently disappear at the same time as the other illusions and they’ll all have a “hilarious” moment of everyone oggling her. Please let me be wrong”

“Also, Kirk chasing the illusion of a very animate and overexcited Irishman called Finnegan while an Irish Jig plays is very on the nose”

“Was it in Shatners contract that he gets to beat up at least one character very 2 episodes or so? And that his shirt gets torn in the fight of course”

“Okay but with the WW2 plane appearing and Kirk immediately holding Spock close, whoever wrote this episode clearly wanted Spirk to be a thing”

“Why is everyone always referred to by rank (Yeoman Barrows, Lieutenant Sulu, etc) but Spock is always just Mr Spock?”

“Yeoman Barrows looks so jealous of the cabaret girls 😂”

“Well that was Shore Leave! Sci-Fi is at its best when it embraces its wackier side and this was definitely no exception, a hilariously campy episode and a brilliant premise that I’m still question if Ghostbusters ripped off 😂”

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