Return to Tomorrow

Return to Tomorrow

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh good, a disembodied voice in the sky, we haven’t had enough of those yet 🙄”

“”All of mankind must perish too”

Are we dealing with another godlike fucking being, please I’m begging you, come up with a new idea”

“”Your probes have touched me Mr Spock”


“”We can’t risk both of us being off the ship”

Kirk, you do that every fucking episode”

“”I don’t like it sir, the transporter coordinates set by an… An alien of some sort!”

Scotty. You are stood literally like, a foot away from Spock. Who is an alien. Learn some tact buddy”

“Kirk’s face when Mulhall speaks up behind him is fucking priceless

“A woman? Help! Bones? Spock? Do I look okay? Is my hair neat?””

“”One day our minds became so powerful we dared think of ourselves as gods”
“We travelled amongst the stars and left our seed”

This is just Who Mourns for Adonais? Again isn’t it”

“”Henoch and Thalassa”

Oh good, biblical figures from Earths history? I was joking before but this really is just a repeat of Who Mourns for Adonais”

“”With their knowledge, Mankind could leap ahead 10,000 years”

Does the Prime Directive have a “except for when it benefits us” clause or something?”

“Shatner buddy, take the scenery out of your mouth and move back from the camera a little”

“Captain Kirk 20 minutes ago: we cannot risk both CAptain and First Officer leaving the ship

Captain Kirk now: yeah fuck it lets let aliens control both of our bodies and also this random woman who was totally always there”

“Sargon conveniently forgot to mention one of the other beings was his wife huh?”

“Hang on, didn’t they say Henoch was from the other side of the big war? We’re trusting him with the formula?”

“Oh yep called it, Sargon you fucking moron”

“”Helping them not to make the errors we did”

Like trusting Henoch?”

“”I’m telling you, this thing won’t work!”

Scotty, you know these people are infinitely advanced beyond you, why do you think you can possibly keep up with them?”

“The main issue I’m seeing with this episode so far is that this race is clearly insanely advanced, and yet the conflict seeks to be coming from their android bodies being somehow much worse than the ones we saw a season and a half ago in What Are Little Girls Made Of”

“I mean, I can’t help but think Bones’ distrust of these creatures from earlier on was warranted, given how quickly this has gone off the rails”

“Oh fuck off, Sargon is alive”


“In a shocking turn of events, Kirk lets a different character talk the villain to death”

“Well that was Return to Tomorrow! Some of the decisions made by characters in this one felt a bit intentionally stupid for the sake of the plot, but the concept is a fascinating one, and the episode was at the very least a fun time”

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