Requiem for Methuselah

Requiem for Methuselah

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”The Enterprise is in the grip of a raging epidemic”

I love escapist fantasy”

“Oh good a random bloke whos decided he’s in charge is creating artificial scarcity by refusing access to the cure for Rigelian Fever

I Love Escapist Fantasy!”

“Oh and Kirk immediately resorts to “give me the cure or the Enterprise will nuke you to kingdom come”


“The way this Flynt guy is talking to this girl is creeping me the hell out”

“Spock being confused by his sudden envy for Flints collection is adorable I’m sorry”

“”sorry Flint, we don’t have time to stay for dinner”

*Scantily clad woman appears*

“Okay fine we’ll stay”

Come on now Kirk”

“Kirk being all “hey I have brains too appreciate me” cause the girl is flirting with Spock is fucking hilarious”

“Why does that Billiards table have no pockets, do they not know how this game works

Unless it’s a Bar Billiards table but then it A. Should he against a wall and B. Should have holes in the middle”

“You don’t understand, I am inordinately annoyed by this broken ass billiards table”

“”Have I made a grave mistake, am I wasting time while my men die?”
“Wait nevermind nearly naked woman is back”

“”I have twice your physical strength”

You’re like 60 mate”

“May I respectfully suggest you pay less attention to the young woman”

Spock, do you really expect Kirk to ever do that”

“”Extreme age is indicated, on the order of 6000 years”

Yeah I had a feeling that was where this was gonna go”

“Oh good, Kirk’s snogging the woman who’s never met another man before and doesn’t know what love is, that’s not dodgy at all”

“”You love me, not Flint!”

Calm down Kirk, Jesus”

“Annoying people on twitter: SPIRK ISNT REAL STOP IT

Requiem for Methuselah: no captain it’s dangerous, let me go alone and sacrifice myself for you my husband”

“Oh good she’s a clone

That explains literally nothing but sure”

“”He has created the perfect woman”

Uhhhhh, that sounds pretty subjective Jim”

“Hang on sorry, did Flint make android replicas of Da Vinci and Brahms

Wait what no, he is them?”

“This episode is 30 minutes of relatively slow burn character building and then it goes off the fucking rails and tries to tell me Da Vince, Brahms, Solomon, and a bunch of others were all the same fucking person”

“”You knew the greatest minds in history”

Spock buddy, he WAS the greatest minds in history”

“So his plan was to build an Android woman to love and live out the Eons with, and his plan included convincing said android that he was her adoptive father? That’s a tad creepy Merlin Da Vinci Brahms Man”

“When you boil it down this episode is “Da Vinci decides that Kirk’s raw sex appeal is enough to awaken an androids emotions” Did Sh*tner write this one himself or something?”

“”Stay out of this, we’re fighting over a woman”

God fucking damn it Kirk”

“”The joys of love made her human, and the agonies of love destroyed her”

That’s a really poetic way of saying fuck having feelings Spock”

“”You wouldn’t understand that would you Spock? You see, I feel more sorry for you than I do for him, because you’ll never know the things that love can drive a man to. The ecstasies, the miseries, the broken rules. The desperate chances, glorious failures and glorious victories. All of these things you’ll never know simply because the word love isn’t written in to your book”

Fucking hell Bones, tiny bit harsh”

“Okay sure Spock has mind wiping powers now, fuck it I’ll buy it”

“Nah, all joking aside I quite like that ending, Bones’ speech basically boils down to a more elegant version of “better to have loved and lost” and it all feels very poetic, and Spock making Kirk forget is sweet if a tad invasive”

“Probably my favourite episode of S3 so far, weirdly. It’s a slow burner with a batshit ending but a rare case of the tacked on poetic nonsense at the end actually hitting the mark for me”

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