

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Wow okay, no messing around with this one, just straight in with “we found a signal from this ship that disappeared 75 years ago””

“They’ve found… A giant football?”

“”That’s nearly as large as the earth’s orbit around the sun!”

Oh it’s Dyson Spheres isn’t it”

“”Mr Data, could this be a Dyson Sphere?”

That’s what I just said!”

“But also, “almost” as large as the earth’s orbit? Even a tiny amount smaller would raise the average temperature considerably, surely?”

“”Life Support is barely operating”

You said it disappeared 75 years ago, how is it even operating at all”

“I appreciate this episodes dedication to bullshitting its way through about 50 different concepts as quickly as possible so we can get to Scotty arriving before the 5 minute mark”

“Also the TOS transporter noise when he appears, fuck that’s fun I love that”

“Him coming out of the transporter and just immediately setting to work without a word is brilliant too, I love Scotty so damn much”

“Scotty’s face when Worf appears is fucking hilarious 😂”

“”That’s absolutely brilliant!”
“Well I think it was only 50% brilliant, cause Franklin deserves better”

Awww that’s really sad actually”

“”I’ll say this about you’re Enterprise, the doctor’s are a fair sight prettier!”

Scotty you loved Bones, don’t start 😂”

“Oh god he looks so depressed at being sidelined, Geordi give the man something to do ffs”

“Y’know, I remember a time we had to transport the Dohlman of Elas”

No you don’t, nobody remembers that, that episode didn’t happen shut up”

“This ensign who showed Scotty to his quarters seems thoroughly disinterested in Scotty’s stories and honestly fuck that guy, I’ll listen to your stories Scotty, I’m interested”

“”I was a Starfleet engineer for 52 years Mr La Forge, I think I’m still useful”

Yeah but your knowledge is also almost a century out of date Scotty, think it through”

“”I remember a time when the old Enterprise was spiralling towards Psi-2000”

They could have referenced literally any TOS episodes in this, and so far we’ve got Elaan of Troyius and The Naked Time 😑”

“”You cannae change the laws of physics, I told him!”

That was so clunkily inserted into the episode just to have him say the line but I don’t care I love it”

“”I told the Captain I’d have the analysis done in an hour”
“How long would it really take?”
“An hour!”
“Oh you didn’t tell him how long it would really take did ye?”

I fucking adore this man”

“Geordi you leave Scotty alone, don’t snap at an icon like that 😤”

“”I believe Guinan does keep a supply of non-syntheholic products”

And why isn’t she here serving them herself, I wanna see her and Scotty meeting ffs”

“”What is it?”
“It is… It is… It is green.”

This callback makes no fucking sense but I love it 😂”

“Also love the fade out, which I can only assume would be for an ad break, and fade back in to a clearly very drunk Scotty wandering the corridors with half a bottle of the Green stuff 😂”

“”NCC-1701. No bloody A, B, C or D!”

This is cute and all but Scotty, you served on the A and B too, why is the OG the one you feel most attached to? I know him serving on the B hadn’t happened yet cause that’s in Generations but he still had the A”

“”I don’t know what it is exactly but I’d be real careful, it’s real-”
“Aldeberan whiskey! Who do you think gave it to Guinan?”

Okay that’s fucking hilarious, Picard just absolutely necking it 😂”

“”I actually served on two. This was the first”

Okay does he technically serve on the B or is he just a guest in Generations cause this episode seems determined to cause problems for that film 😂”

“”This is where I had a purpose. But it’s not real, it’s just a computer generated fantasy, and I’m just an old man who’s trying to hide in it. Computer. Shit this bloody thing off, it’s time I acted my age”

God damn.”

“It does strike me as quite funny that Scotty technically outranks everyone except Picard on this ship iirc”

“Picard arranging everything to give Scotty a job so he can feel useful is so sweet, I love that”

“Woah, the inside of the Dyson Sphere looks so fucking cool”

“”if it wasn’t for all the structural damage, this ship may still be in service today!”

Yeah, but it’d have been refitted surely”

“Scotty dismissing regulations with “forget it, I wrote it” is fucking iconic”

“”I may be captain by rank, but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer”

I C O N”

“”did you try hailing them?”
“Ah, that was standard procedure at the time, and we did it right before we crashed”

Oh FFS, hailing is what triggers the tractor beams isn’t it”

“I want an entire series of Geordi and Scotty just figuring out puzzles and difficult situations together these two are brilliant”

“Uncritical support for very temporary captain of the Jenolan Geordi La Forge”

“”So this alien space baby, which was about the size of a 4 story building, really thought the Enterprise was it’s mother”

So that’s Elaan of Troyius, Naked Time, and now Galaxys Child we’ve referenced. Who chose these???”

“Troi showing up in the last 5 seconds to say goodbye to Scotty as if she’s met him at any point in this episode is fucking baffling”

“Well that was Relics! Honestly, I didn’t care for the Dyson Sphere/Enterprise is trapped/whatever B Plot but it doesn’t matter, this is clearly just a celebration of Scotty and I love it for that, and god it’s good fun”

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