Realm of Fear

Realm of Fear

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Woah the USS Yosemite is a funky looking ship, I like that design”

“Oh no Barclay is here, why is Barclay here”

“Oh good, Barclay is scared of transporters

The description for this episode says “a young enterprise engineer is forced to confront his paralyzing fear”, this man is in his 40’s, that is not what I thought you meant Paramount”

“Wait where did Crusher come from? Sure, she’s on this mission I guess, she just popped out of nowhere but fine”

“O’Briens face when Barclay runs off (okay, walks off, seriously that was not the walk of a man in distress) is hilarious, proper “I don’t have the energy for this shit” stuff 😅”

“”As soon as you feel up to it you can probably still join them!”

This is not a long mission Deanna, in the time you’re taking to talk to him here they’re probably done already”

“Why is Dwight Shultz channeling his inner Tommy Wiseau in this episode, this man is not usually this bad an actor”

“Confident Reg is never not a scary thing, stop it”

“”I’d like to take him back to do an autopsy”

Yeah but O’Brien said you could only beam one person at a time, how are you gonna get him over there?”

“”It should be a smooth ride over”

Don’t lie to him Chief”

“”I know how you feel about this sir”
“You-you’re afraid of transporting too?”
“No, arachnids. Sickening, crawly little things, don’t you think?”

God I love Miles”

“I feel like he’s trying to use this spider story as a “see, you think my fear is irrational, it’s just as irrational as yours!” Moment, but in reality I’m pretty sure he’s just given Barclay a brand new fear of spiders”

“This is setting up for a “Reg got over there and is gonna have a panic attack and refuse to beam back in a crisis moment” story isn’t it?”

“”The Ferengi are claiming 2 of their freighters were destroyed by a Cardassian Warship in your sector”

I love random details about what’s going on in the universe don’t get me wrong, but that came out of absolutely fucking nowhere”

“Why are they beaming Reg back to the Enterprise last ffs, surely they should understand that his anxiety will be heightened if he’s alone”

“”Have you ever seen anything? During transport?”

Reginald asks, to the blind man 😑”

“Oh they don’t believe him do they 🙄”

“”Transporter Psychosis? There hasn’t been a case of that in over 50 years! Not since they perfected the Multiplex Pattern Buffers.”

If there’s no episode of Enterprise where half the crew get transporter Psychosis I’ll riot”

“”Perhaps we should attempt to recreate their experiment”

The experiment that killed them all? You’re sure?”

“Uhhh, they put that container back together, why is it shattered again?”

“”Reg, I’m temporarily relieving you of duty”

Idk why it never occurred to me that she could just do that but yeah, good call”

“”End stress reduction program”

The candles went out when he said this, how is the computer controlling the fucking candles in his room”

“Reg has done many heinous things in his time, but shouting at O’Brien is easily the worst”

“”I- commander La Forge wants some tricorder readings”

“I am giving you an order Mr O’Brien”
“Aye sir. If you don’t mind my making an observation sir, you forgot to bring a tricorder”

Fuck me 😂😂😂”

“”I want you to wake the Senior Staff”

Oh yeah, they’re gonna take this well”

“Why has nobody considered just transporting somebody else whilst recreating the ionic fluctuations? I feel like that’d clarify if it was real or a hallucination of his pretty quickly”

“Wait so, they recreated the experiment that killed everyone on the other ship, and the containment field contained it, so… Why is a containment field of this type not standard protocol? Or if it is, why did the crew of a bloody science ship not follow it?”

“”But, what I saw was much bigger than a microbe”

Well yeah, if it was the size of a microbe you wouldn’t have fucking seen it”

“And the solution to the episodes problems is that Reg needs to stay in a matter stream for an extended period, because of course it is 🙄😂”

“”Don’t worry, I can hold him together”

That’s not particularly reassuring O’Brien”

“Wait wtf, where did that person come from?”

“The weird slug thing was a crew member??? I- what- no, no I’m done, what the fuck is this”

“Oh god no, O’Brien has a pet spider 😂”

“O’Brien why are you fucking with Barclay, give him a break ffs he’s had a rough week 😂”

“Well that was Realm of Fear! I do not have a clue what to say about that episode, it was baffling and strange and I don’t think I liked it, but I’m so confused I can’t say for sure”

“Wait, that Ferengi-Cardassian thing went absolutely nowhere, why was that in the episode?

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