Patterns of Force

Patterns of Force

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I have a theory that every episode of TOS was required to include either:

-a figure from Starfleet’s history
-a godlike being of immense power
-a computer that Kirk can talk into blowing itself up

Or a combination thereof”

“”Spock, you and I will beam down”

So that shit last episode about not risking you both leaving the ship was bollocks”

“I love that Spock has just adopted the blue beanie as his look whenever he needs to hide his ears now”

“Oh god that’s a swastika, this is a Nazi episode, this is going to go well”

“I should have seen this coming when they said the other planet was called fucking Zeon tbf”

“”You propose we pass ourselves off as Nazis captain?”

This isn’t going to be a fun watch is it”

“”That helmet covers a multitude of sins”

Are you insulting Spock’s hairdo? How dare you”

“I know this was over 50 years ago, but the “blood” from Kirk and Spock being whipped looks like a fucking crayon”

“”The flaw in this plan is this locked door and the guards beyond it”

Thanks Spock I hadn’t noticed”

“Cutting their arms open to get to the transponders in them is far more grim than I expected this show to get, Jesus”

“This episode’s comedic lines feel really out of place in such a heavy episode ngl, this is really uncomfortable to watch”

“”He was sent here to observe, not to interfere”

Y’know, at this point I’m surprised the Federation hasn’t just banned going anywhere near other civilisations”

“”all out war against Zeon, their final solution”

Oh come, on please learn the definition of fucking subtlety”

“”Very good Spock, we may make a human of you yet”
“I hope not”

See, again, in any other episode that would be hilarious, but it just feels wrong here”

“How the fuck did Eneg not recognise Kirk and Spock, when he had them locked up earlier in the episode”

“So Gills plan was use Naziism to fix a broken planet but not do the evil bits? That was a stupid plan Gill”

“Is Kirk’s plan here seriously just “get the Fuhrer to say Naziism is wrong, and expect all the other Nazis to just go along with it”?”

“”I was wrong, the non interference directive is the only way”

That’s 3 episodes out of the last 5 now that have had the same damn message”

“”Absolute power corrupts absolutely”

I mean that’s not what happened tho is it, Gill wasn’t corrupt he was drugged”

“Well that was Patterns of Force. I really don’t know how I feel about that one, the story was well executed and interesting, but it just felt incredibly uncomfortable to watch a lot of the time”

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