The Paradise Syndrome

The Paradise Syndrome

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”It’s unbelievable. Growth exactly like earth on a planet half a galaxy away”

Oh yeah cause you’ve never encountered, say, a planet that evolved to have the United States Constitution, a fucking pine tree is clearly unbelievable”

“In today’s episode of “which Paramount Costume Department are we raiding today”, the Native Americans”

“”Back in the 20th century we referred to it as the Tahiti Syndrome”

“Oh bloody hell that was a 5 minute long Cold Open, I forgot we hadn’t had the theme tune yet”

“”Once we’ve diverted the asteroid we’ll come back and search”
“He could be injured and dying!”

The crew of the Enterprise yet again showing a complete failure to understand splitting resources, just leave a fucking search party you twats”

“Oh good, now Kirk’s lost his memory”

“Hang on a minute

An extinction event that the Enterprise is trying to prevent, and a primitive people’s who mistakenly end up worshipping Kirk?

The beginning of Into Darkness just copied this fucking episode, didn’t it?”

“I don’t care if it’s supposed to be CPR, Kirk is way too into the mouth to mouth with that fucking child”

“”Only a god can breathe life into the dead”

Oh for fucks sake”

“I’ve just realised, on top of that awful haircut, Scotty is going grey, and now I can’t not see my grandad when I look at him”

“”The wise ones brought us here from far away”

Oh god they actually are Native Americans aren’t they?”

“Scotty despairing as Spock works the ship to death is hilarious”

“Oh great, Salish is taking being dumped well I see”

“I’m sure I’m not the first to mention how similar this episode is to Stargate, but the symbols on that Obelisk are exactly the fucking same as the dialing codes in Stargate I swear”

“Even when suffering from severe Amnesia, nothing gets in the way of Kirk’s mission to sleep with every woman in the universe”

“This is likes Kirk’s version of This Side of Paradise, isn’t it?”

“”I feel like I don’t belong here, like I don’t deserve this happiness”
“…I have a gift for you”

Great reassuring there. Miramanee”

“”I bear your child!”

Oh for fucks sake”

“Salish mate, your whole planet is in danger of destruction, mocking the one man who might be able to save you isn’t helping”

“The Preservers who “rescued civilisations at risk of extinction and seeding them where they can grow” are literally the exact same thing as the fucking Asgard from Stargate that whole show ripped off this episode”

“The secret code to enter the obelisk being “Kirk to Enterprise” is a pisstake. I know it’s the notes rather than the words but still come on”

“”Will she live?”

Well that’s a convenient way of dealing with the whole ‘Kirk Babies’ debacle”

“Also, how the fuck did she sustain enough injuries to die when he took most of the stones for her?”

“Well that was The Paradise Syndrome! I don’t know the concensus on that one beyond “series 3 bad” but I found it rather enjoyable. The Native American aspect was bizarre and didn’t feel necessary when it could have just been a tribe of humanoids but overall an enjoyable episode”

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