Operation: Annihilate!

Operation: Annihilate!

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Spreading mass insanity from planet to planet is a very interesting concept, intrigued to see how this plays out”

“Ohhh god, Kirk has family there, of course he does”

“”I’m sorry sir”
“I’m not interested in your excuses Lieutenant”

Jim, don’t be so snappy”

“Running at a bunch of Starfleet personnel with phasers, while you’re carrying pipes, doesn’t feel like the cleverest of ideas from these Denevans ngl”

“”There’s something wrong Jim”

You don’t say Bones”

“Given the very obvious fact that the insanity has spread to this planet, would it not be logical to assume that the landing party are also likely infected and should probably not be returning to the Enterprise without a quarantine?

“A solid 2 minutes straight of watching a woman screaming in a hospital bed is not what I’d call comfortable viewing”

“Those plastic-bags-with-veins alien things are creepy as hell ngl I would not want to bump into a crowd of those”

“Oh shit it got Spock”

“Oh shit Nurse Chapel is back”

“Is this going to be a very topical analogy for the spread of infectious diseases?”

“Oh come on now you’re not trying to tell me the Vulcan lack of emotions also stops them feeling pain”

“Given humans have been working with Vulcans for like a century at this point, you’d think they’d know by now that those security restraints weren’t going to hold Spock, but no sure just leave him unguarded in restraints that can’t possibly hold him”

“Spock you’ve literally been on the planets surface for seconds and already you let your guard down enough to be attacked, come on now”

“”A huge, individual brain cell”
“Yes, that would answer a lot of questions”

Uhhhh… would it?”

“”If killing 5 people saves 10, it’s a bargain. Is that your logic Spock?”

Literally 1 episode ago you let a woman die to stop the Nazis winning WW2 guys this isn’t a new concept to you”

“Ohhhh they’re killed by light. I’m slightly proud of myself for figuring that out just before Kirk did lmao”

“I’m sorry, I refuse to believe that in this highly advanced futuristic society they still measure brightness in “Candles per Square Inch”

“”Mr Spock is the best first officer in the fleet”

Offering compliments to the man only when it suits your argument is a bad look Bones, we all know you hate him”

“Jim mate, I know you’re upset about Spock being blinded but being pissy with Bones like it wasn’t the only choice is a dick move”

“I mean, I knew Spock wouldn’t stay blind, but that felt like a bit of a copout”

“”I had a very strong reaction. My first sight was the face of doctor McCoy bending over me”
“It’s a pity brief blindness did not increase your appreciation for beauty”

God I love these two bickering”

“”Please don’t tell Spock I said he was the best first officer in the fleet”
“Why thank you Doctor”
“You were so busy thinking about his Vulcan eyes Doctor, you forgot about his Vulcan ears”

I love the relationship Bones and Spock have (when he’s not being racist)”

“Well that was Operation: Annihilate! This episode definitely suffers from having to follow up City on the Edge of Forever, but it’s a solid story nonetheless and a fun adventure with some decent stakes”

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