

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”We won’t be able to break it captain. I’ll phaser off a specimen”

Those seem like contradictory statements Spock”

“”Redshirts, go look around” feels like a command that should be banned in Starfleet”

“”The USS Yorktown is expecting us in less than 8 hours captain”

Is there a single episode this series where they’re not running late for a fucking rendezvous”

“”That isn’t possible. nothing could do that”

You are exploring uncharted space mate. You’ve already encountered tonnes of bizarre situations. You know full well those are going to end up being ironic last words”

“”His blood count is 60% less than normal”

I’m not a biologist, but this doesn’t seem like something you’d survive”

“”The vaccines from the USS Yorktown are vital to the people of Theta VII”

Hang on, didn’t we already do the “Kirk puts his mates lives above those of plague victims” plot?”

“Who is this Ensign Garrovick guy, and why is the camera lingering on him for so long?”

“”Both Spock and McCoy are doubtful”

Garrovick saw the fucking cloud guys”

“Woah hang on. Garrovick froze for a couple of seconds because a FUCKING KILLER CLOUD appeared in front of him, and Kirk relieves him of his duties and confines him to quarters??? That’s a bit extreme”

“I gather Kirk has some kind of history with this thing, but he’s being a fucking arsehole here, snapping at the whole crew and refusing to deliver the vaccines to Theta VII even tho there’s no immediate fucking danger”

“”Have I the right to jeopardise my ship, my crew, for a feeling I can’t even put into words?”

Nope. Next question”

“Why is Kirk surprised that Bones knows about the Farragut incident? He told him to check the tapes”

“Series 2 of TOS seems to be very heavy on the “character decided to declare the captain unfit for duty” and “the Enterprise is late for a fucking rendezvous””

“”Jim, we’re not trying to gang up on you”

You are kinda ganging up on him tho”

“”We cant stay at Warp 8 much longer”
“Prepare to increase speed Mr Scott”


“Did the Enterprise get an upgrade at some point? Didn’t it struggle to maintain Warp 7 back in Arena?”

“”Self pity is a terrible first course. Try the soup instead”

I’m glad Chapel is showing up more recently, she’s hilarious”

“I’ve lost any understanding of what the fuck is going on with the vents, but it sure is gripping”

“Spock buddy, shoving your hands in front of the vent isn’t going to stop the damn thing getting through”

“”The scent is different. I believe I understand something now”

That makes one of us Kirk”

“”Evidence indicates that the creature is here to spawn”

Hang on, what evidence, where did that come from”

“”We’ll have to use something else”
“That thing only feeds on blood”

Yeah yeah we know, Garrovick is gonna sacrifice himself, get on with it”

“Oh okay maybe not then”

“”Thank heavens”
“There was no deity involved my Scott, it was my cross circuiting that saved them”

He sounded genuinely offended by that 😂”

“Well that was Obsession! Another relatively mediocre one in my opinion, there was nothing inherently bad about it but it just didn’t grip me like others have”

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