Mudd’s Women

Mudd’s Women

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I wasn’t too sure how I felt about the main theme at first, I guess because I’m not used to the more campy theme music of the era, but it’s really grown on me the last few episodes I must say”

“If the other ships engines are fried, why can’t the Enterprise just fly up to it rather than shielding it from a distance?”

“Oh. Oh dear. It’s going to be one of those episodes isn’t it?”

“Oh god, is Mudd a slaver?”

“So something that confuses me slightly. The Enterprise is supposed to be out exploring the unknown universe. So how come everywhere they visit is “just a short hop away from [planet that has a mining facility with the resources they need]”?”

“I realise Mudd’s Women are having some kind of affect on him, but I could have really done without ever having seen McCoy’s “I want to have sex with that” face”

“This may well be explored later in the franchise in an episode I’m yet to see but I’m curious, does Starfleet ban internal ship relations somewhere between the eras of ENT and TOS? Kirk’s behaviour makes it seem like they’re not allowed but I know Trip and T’Pol happened

(replies confirmed that it is down to the captain, and there is no indication of a starfleet-wide rule)

“Oh brilliant, we’re doing bodyshaming too now? These 2 episodes have certainly been something

“Again, I get it’s partly the women’s influence but those Miners are dicks, “give us the women or we’ll let your ship crash” is a dick move”

“Can they not turn all the unessential systems, like the ludicrous number of lights on the Enterprise, off or to minimum, to conserve the batteries since they’re running low?”

“”The sound of the male ego. You travel halfway across the galaxy and it still sounds the same”

Alright I like this girl”

“Mudd’s Women was a much more enjoyable episode than The Enemy Within, and watching them back to back may be tainting my opinion, but I found it somewhat enjoyable. The bodyshaming and slavery aspects are dodgy but the former is at least redeemed somewhat at the end”

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