Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Why is Star Trek so full of races of people who value pacifism over the continued existence of their race?”


“Jesus, this episode is dark”

“For people from a couple of hundred years into the future, the crew seem remarkably ignorant to the concept of parallel universes”


“Oh god, rapey Sulu”

“Jesus, Mirror Chekov is creepy as hell”

“It’s so bizarre to try to imagine exactly what chain of events led to this mirror universe. An empire instead of a federation I get, but the crew being complicit in it is baffling”

“Even in the Mirror Universe, Pike can’t escape a tragic death”

“I love the idea that the prime universe Kirk and Co snuck around the Mirror Enterprise relatively well, whilst Mirror Kirk and Co immediately got rumbled and locked up in the brig”

“Kirk bluffing his way through telling Mirror Spock he’d be a formidable enemy whilst Mirror Kirk got taken out immediately is another example 😂”

“Jesus that Tantalus field thing is overpowered”

“Are Vulcans considered great warriors in the Mirror Universe? Spock threatened Sulu by saying that his men are Vulcans, which seems to imply they’re deemed superior”

“It’s so very Kirk to meet his Mirror Universe’s partner and have absolutely no qualms flirting with her, he does not find anything morally questionable about this”

“Oh god, it comes down to Uhura to distract Sulu, the man who tried to assault her earlier”

“Yup, it was pretty obvious how that was going to go”

“God damn Mirror Spock is a badass, fighting off all 4 of them at once”

“McCoy this is not the time for the doctors heroics, the mans a Nazi let him die”

“Oh fuck off Mirror Sulu”

“Oh god of course Marlena wants to go with them, Kirk needs to stop falling for people who are doomed”

“Jim, we all know Marlena is gonna operate the panel so you don’t have to stay, stop pretending to be a hero”

“I know the Mirror Universe shows up in Enterprise, but do we get to see the future of it as well? I want to see if Kirk’s impassioned speech to Mirror Spock about the merits of revolution played out”

(Replies clarified that the future of the Mirror Universe is explored in Deep Space Nine)

“”I liked him with a beard, it gave him character. Of course, any change would be beneficial”

Leave Spock alone Bones”

“”I had opportunity to examine your counterparts quite closely. They were brutal, savage, uncivilised, unprincipled, treacherous. In every way splendid examples of Homo Sapiens”

Fucking get em Spock”

“Well that was Mirror, Mirror! Very much enjoyed that one, mirror universes with evil counterparts are always prime material for some interesting comparisons, and the evil of the mirror counterparts trod the line between horrible and horrific absolutely perfectly”

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