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“You can’t just say “there’s no colonies or vessels out this far” like you don’t keep making up where you are in proximity to other humans at absolute random Kirk”

“An exact replica of the Earth? That is a very intriguing premise for the episode, fair play”

“It’s bad that I’m already at the point where I see someone in a red shirt and my first thought is “yup, he’s dead””

“A world where all the grown ups have died and there’s only children left feels familiar and honestly it’s almost disappointing to learn that half the Sci-Fi stuff I grew up with ripped off this show”

“Why is Kirk flirting with the child, Kirk stop it”

“Now look what you’ve done Jim, you’ve gone and gotten infected”

“From what I can tell, Yeomen exist to do clerical work for officers, so why did Yeoman Rand join them in their mission down to the planet?”

“”She’s becoming a woman Kirk”
I beg of you, please stop trying to set Kirk up with the fucking child”

“This has very Peter Pan vibes with all the children scurrying around and hiding from the ‘grups'”

“It’s also very reminiscent of the show Stargate, a lot of episodes throughout that shows run had the “emulate the vaccine in the nick of time based on a previous civilisations work” plot thread
Or I guess more accurately, Stargate is reminiscent of this”

“”I’m upset captain. So upset”

I’m loving his show so far but my god that was such a dully delivered line I can’t help but laugh”

“Kirk shouting “NO BLAH BLAH BLAH” is meme worthy, make it happen please Twitter”

“As much as Kirk’s impassioned speech to the children is brilliant, the kids turning around and completely disregarding it and continuing to wail on him would have been hilarious to end that scene”

“Wait, so Kirk’s fight to get the communicators back was a waste of time cause Bones accurately guessed the right dosage anyway?”

“”Miri really loved you, y’know”


“Wait, do we not get any answer as to how there was an exact duplicate of Earth in deep space? Just gonna forget that happened? Okay then”

“Well, that was Miri! Another fun episode, the random unexplored plot thread of the duplicate Earth is bizarre but in general that was very enjoyable. Child actors can ruin this kind of thing but I think they were relatively good here”

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