

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh hey the Galileo is back”

“”I insist you make your scheduled rendezvous with the Enterprise!”

The fuck do you think they’re trying to do, they just got attacked by space clouds leave them alone”

“”Practically identical to Earth”

Oh god, here we go”

“God this commissioner woman is full of herself”

“They literally told you to stay in the ship 5 fucking seconds ago, why are you leaving”

“”there’s some sort of dampening field, power sources don’t work down here”

How in the fuck are the tricorders working then?”

“”I feel deeply put upon and absolutely outraged”

You were here to prevent a war, were you expecting a fucking Bijou residence?”

“”I told it I’d die of loneliness, so it brought you here”

oh okay, so we’re just doing The Cage again are we?”

“Hang on, did he just say Cochrane is in love with the Companion?”

“”It attacked you?”

Hardly the time for sass Spock”

“”It’s a big galaxy, Mr Spock”

Uhura, do you want to find the Captain or not?”

“Oh fuck off, that thing is not in love with Cochrane”

“”A chance like this may never come again, we need to ask it questions”
“Now is not the time Spock”

No, now is absolutely the time Kirk, there will be no other time, learn about the fucking thing”

“Why are the gang being like “actually you should be happy this creature used you to satisfy it’s romantic feelings without your consent” as if his reaction otherwise is weird”

“”I’ve never been loved. Never”

Probably cause you’re so fucking full of yourself Hedford”

“”Scan the planets”
“But Mr Scott, there are thousands of planets for them to be on, if they’re on any at all”

Uhura really just does not want to find them, does she?”

“You can call the Companion an alien creature all you like, this is still yet another example of Kirk talking a computer into submission”

“Okay, you’ve gone from a minor inconvenience to a complete bastard now, you can’t just steal a woman’s body like that”

“”Commissioner Hedford was dying”
“That part of her was too weak to continue. She would not have continued. Now we are both here”

Yeah but that still doesn’t explain how the Hedford part isn’t still dying”

“Yeah, I’m not sure I’m down for “alien creature hijacks woman’s body, removes all of her autonomy, and then shags a 200 year old man” being perceived as a positive outcome”

“So uhhh. About that war the commissioner was there to stop. We just gonna forget that was a thing?”

“Is Hedford still conscious in there? I can’t imagine she’s happy Cochrane is snogging her”

“”I love her, is that a surprise?”
“Not from a human. You are, after all, essentially irrational”

Yeah but like, Cochrane is shacking up with an alien who hijacked the body of a woman who never consented, that’s beyond irrational Spock”

“”Jim, what about the war on Epsilon Canaris III?”
“I’m sure the Federation can find another woman somewhere who can stop that war”

Okay but A. Sexist and B. The commissioner was quite insistent she get back immediately, or the war would break out, they don’t have the time”

“Well that was Metamorphosis. Yeah, that’s another one for the list of “Episode’s I’d slag off if I ever get invited on the I Quit Star Trek Podcast, that was… not good. I cannot get over the fact that Hedford AT NO POINT CONSENTED TO THIS SHIT. Jesus.”

NOTE: I was on the aforementioned IQST Podcast, and we did cover this episode:

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